Bullying | Teen Ink


March 22, 2013
By Tajanay BRONZE, Oakland, California
Tajanay BRONZE, Oakland, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Editor of Teen Ink:
I agree that bulling is a problem (‘’Bulling in school,”written by CarrieAnn13 .)I’m writing this letter to convince people that they should take bulling more seriously.Schools believe that students are just getting a little pushed that they can stop but,they can’t it will get worser and worser, until someone dies by all the stuff that were done when thy were getting bullied.Inthe movie (bully)somke people felt sad because alot of people had alot of patos when they were bullied like peoplewho are lesbian, or disabled.
Some people can get bullied by teachers too.When you have a teacher that bully you they can do stuff that you dont want them to do things that they dont want to do.If a little girl or little boy was abused by a by a teacher or parent that is bulling.When people bully someone they will feel bad for there self.A little girl or boy will feel that there not worth it.The victims cant stand up for their selfs because sacred they will hurt them so bad that they will die,so they just think they dont have a chose to kill them selfs.
Everyone all have feelings but no one cares about there feelings.I get bullied mostly everday that makes me cry, sometimes when I have emotions and when I tell them to stop they wont and sometimes I feel like hurting myself mostly everday but I dont because I think of what I have.that’s why schools should be aware of students or teachers bullying.

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