Hopeful | Teen Ink


March 16, 2013
By BookWorm14 BRONZE, Norman, Oklahoma
BookWorm14 BRONZE, Norman, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay Gold" -The Outsiders

I do not think I can take it anymore. The constant stares and whispers I see and hear just by walking down the hallway. It all just comes down to question of why? Out of all the other students in this school, I have become every body's person to pick on. It's not like I have not herd it all before. It is almost like a daily routine for me now, 9am shoved into a locker, 10:30am being called a nerd while everybody looks over your shoulder for test answers, 2pm spitballs being spit at you, and etc. I don't know what it is, it could be my clothes, grades, or hair. I don't know what it is, but it is some flaw that makes me a target.
Just two more years of this dreaded place called High School. I can't wait. I tell myself every day that it will get better. I'll leave here and go to college then become a journalist. I can forget about this place and everyone in it. One day I'll become something big and prove everybody wrong.

The author's comments:
From my experience at school I have seen many kids get picked on and bullied. Especially the younger kids. I want to make a difference and give a message that everything will be all right.

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