Bullying and Me | Teen Ink

Bullying and Me

February 27, 2013
By Anonymous


Bullying is everywhere in every school and most of the time people don’t realize that there is bullying in the school. There is even cyber bullying. It seems as if no one really cares what happens to the people being bullied until it’s too late.

I know and my friends know from experience firsthand what bullying feels like. Sense sixth grade I have been bullied. It isn’t really that bad anymore but back then I was miserable. I had no friends and no one to talk to. I began changing dramatically, even my friend Cole admits that he had been terrified of me at the time. Most of the people were. It just hurt to know what people were saying about me. They called me a Lesbian and a witch and a Satanist, which is not true at all. They called me other things as well but a lot is not appropriate. After a while I just stopped caring what everyone thought of me and started being myself. I had enough of the drama and I figured if people don’t like me then it’s their loss, not mine. I used to be afraid to express myself or show anyone who I am… now I have friends but a lot of them are like me, misfits.

In my group of friends we are all teased and bullied. We only have three girls in our group, including me. The rest are guys. They are in seventh grade and it seems as if everyone is against them. When they go outside on the track, they get rocks thrown at them. They constantly get called fags and get shoved in the hallways. One boy even said to a friend of mine that they were all fags and they thought that all the guys in the school were hot and that they checked them out. Now the boys are afraid to even change in the P.E locker room. We ALL have a past that made us the way we are today and our differences in the way we act or how we think is so unheard of and different in a small town like ours that we are immediately set out as outcasts and are judged for our differences. I don’t think some group of kids should judge us for who we are, that’s god’s decision, and only his.

A close friend of mine moved here and she moved from Michigan because she was depressed and had started to cut and actually tried killing herself because of bullying and no one did a thing to stop it from happening. The only reason she was bullied was because she was different and it shocks me that even people in Detroit can’t accept different kids in their society or schools. No one knows this because she wanted a fresh start and it’s sad to know that people still bully her or say nasty things about her when they don’t even know who she is or what her story is. It makes me sick.

I have even cut myself. I don’t do it know because I know I’m better than that but at least everyone in my group has cut before or tried some drastic measure of ending their own lives because of physical or emotional abuse.

Bullying is a nasty thing and people just need to stop. I don’t know if people realize what they are doing but it hurts a lot and someone needs to take a stand to stop it, even if it is a small step. I have even started standing up for people, even if they aren’t my own friends. I am not going to become a hypocrite and let everyone be bullied when I know how it feels to know that pain. I had been bullied for two years but I overcame that pain because of books I read and people I knew. I used to despise god but then I found an awesome church that lets you explore new idea and just be yourself. I know I could have fallen down the wrong path and I might not be here today if I had. I want to help people and have them learn from my mistakes. Bullying is not good nor is it healthy. This is a worldwide problem EVERYONE needs to contribute in ending.

The author's comments:
This is somewhat of my story and of how i view bullying. Enjoy

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