Zombie | Teen Ink


January 31, 2013
By AustinEngle SILVER, Aledo, Illinois
AustinEngle SILVER, Aledo, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fearing the fears provided by reality, is far more frighting than cowering to the phobias manifested by the ancient tongue of paranoia" ~ Alexander J. Dawson

You have infected me with the words you spit.

Ha, what do you care you don't give a s***.
You killed who I once was and replaced me with a dummy.

Go ahead and push me down, everyone else thinks it funny.
I'm a walking disease, a helpless zombie.

And that's the reason no one will help me.

The author's comments:
A page i wrote for the zombie in all of us.

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