That One Day | Teen Ink

That One Day

January 17, 2013
By RayGrimm BRONZE, Nowhere, Oregon
RayGrimm BRONZE, Nowhere, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hate the world today, Love the world tomorrow.

That one day when you go to the bus stop and have your books tossed across the street by the kid down the street.

That one day when you are finally happy that you finished something just to have it torn out of your hands and thrown into a puddle.

That one day when you start to think, "what if I could change this? Make my life better?"

That one day when you finally get the courage to stand up for yourself and make a difference in the world.

Make a change. Stop bullying. Stand up for yourself and others, because you can make a difference in the world. Show what you can do.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by my own life, I haven't always been a cheerful person. I have been bullied. I know what it's like. I hope this very short article will inspire people to stand up for people including themselves.

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