A Homeschool Student, Parts I, II, and III | Teen Ink

A Homeschool Student, Parts I, II, and III

January 20, 2013
By MaryRoach BRONZE, Hutchinson, Minnesota
MaryRoach BRONZE, Hutchinson, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Fall came;

tore the summer of my innocence away-
a flow of energy-
a rush of darkness-
bells ringing,
halls buzzing.
The unknown-
the fear
held me back
distracted me.
their laughing faces,
their pointing fingers
“because she was home-schooled-”
“freak show girl”
And so I sit in class
and look outside, longing,
and draw that one barren tree.

Winter came;
cold seeped into the autumn of my fear.
energy dies,
relinquishing the battle,
settling for less.
No longer the unknown;
no longer the feared-
now just the pain,
now just the cold,
now just the darkness.
Gone all day;
never seeing the light of the sun.
still they laugh,
still the point,
still they slowly kill me-
“because she was home-schooled-”
“that’s why she’s smart”
And so I still sit in class,
and look outside, longing,
and draw that one barren tree

Spring came;
washing away the winter of my despair
something stirs within me.
I lift up my head:
new sights
new smells
new hopes.
Each new day.
when did spring come?
i cannot say
i do not understand
the Lord moves in mysterious ways
His wonders to perform
still they laugh,
still they point-
“because she was home-schooled-”
“that’s why she ignores us”
And I sit in class
and look outside, laughing,
and draw that one tree that blossomed.

The author's comments:
As a transfer student- I had been home-schooled most of life- I was amazed at the prejudice I met when I started school at the local public school. People generally assumed I would be shy and socially awkward, for one. If I did something or said something that someone disagreed with, I was written off as "that homeschool kid." It hurt- but it gave me perspective, on whose opinion matters, and whose doesn't. Most importantly, it allowed me to see what bullying truly does. Being bullied showed me how much it hurts and made me promise myself I would never, ever do that to anyone else.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 19 2013 at 7:26 am
DawnieRae BRONZE, Lancaster, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 218 comments
I like this a lot! I am homeschooled. What made you go to public school? Did you learn to like it. I would like it if you told me but you don't have to if you don't want too.

on Jan. 25 2013 at 4:25 pm
MaryRoach BRONZE, Hutchinson, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments
I would appreciate any feedback/ tips, whether about what you thought of the writing or if you identified with it. Thanks!(: