The Common Fate | Teen Ink

The Common Fate

January 12, 2013
By Naduni BRONZE, Kottawa, Other
Naduni BRONZE, Kottawa, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We are born to this world to give love and gain wisdom!

Tan and Olive
Embraced over my skin,
As my life turned a page, novel,
In a territory
Bearing a million eyes
Staring with a stranger's essence.

The infidel board over the Monstrous building claimed,
As my primary days
I,bunked in the sanitary corner
With the lifeless tiffin box, unfinished,
While White Heads
Enjoy the sight of vacant chairs.

One day
I thought the "peak time" has arrived
When a White Swan held his hand,
Gently escorted me to the unoccupied court......
I realized the tricks of appearance
As sticks and stones
Gashed my arms, cracked my bones
While Bystanders'unspoken Sympathies
Sharpened Mobs'confidence!

At last
As I hugged the ground,
The lights dimmed and
While half dead,
I hunted the cause of this crude assault......

The author's comments:
In tribute to all victims of brutal bullying: a symbol of beastly attitudes and immature folly in so called "human beings".

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