Run Through the Labyrinth | Teen Ink

Run Through the Labyrinth

January 11, 2013
By A-LovesLife BRONZE, Golden Valley, Minnesota
A-LovesLife BRONZE, Golden Valley, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is never too late to be what you might have been"

Step into the labyrinth-
twisting passage ways full of creatures-
a glance, or two
left-right and again
take a cautious step…
just a little farther…
a monster claws its way up from the depths
and you’re fighting back, not knowing
why/how/when will it stop?
falling into a pit and darkness surrounds
red lines from the creatures
from the words
pain, but not as bad as
the creatures as the words
A Prison
Thoughts of nothing fill your mind and
the clock stops
More Nothing and the yarn breaks
Lost for a moment or two
Then the faces blossom from the pit.
Birds, not monsters, flying you out.
Protecting. Helping.
No longer a maze- no more creatures that haunt
that hunt.
Love of birds whose feathers comfort, whose wings lift
Now smiling. safe.

The author's comments:
This is about one of my friends and what she went through during my last year at that school. I don't know if the memories will ever leave her, but the bullies certainly have.

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