Best Day Ever | Teen Ink

Best Day Ever

January 21, 2014
By Anonymous

It's July! A.K.A. the summer! What else is a kid supposed to be excited for, with the weather beaming across my skin. Plus I am going to my little cousins birthday party with some of my other cousins tagging along. Today seemed to be going great.

As we went to the park, where the birthday party was located at, my excitement broke every scale in the book of scales. Jumping up for joy like I am on a trampoline in the back seat, but not really going anywhere because I was still buckled down shows how excited I was."Alright, you guys can get out.", my mom said as she pulled up to a parking spot next to the basketball court. But I wasn't paying much attention of what my mom was saying, all I remember was jumping out of the car, landing with both feet firmly on the ground as I gazed up at the sky, and inhaled the air, which in my mind was party air, and exhaled to get loose and PARTY!

First thing I did was my grab my basketball from the trunk of my mom's Pontiac G6. " Aye primo, quieres jugar basquetbol?" I asked my guy cousin ,that tagged along, with a puppy dog face. " Come on, lets play for you can lose", he replied as if his mom asked him to take out the trash. " Watch this THREE", air ball," um, that was NOT.", I quickly replied after missing terribly. I wasn't doing so good today in basketball, I guess today was just an off day. I wasn't going to let basketball ruin beaming summer day! Nope, not with a bounce house in the distance!

"Life is complete with this house of bounciness", i claimed in my head as I squeezed my way into the doorway. "This bounce house is extreme!", as I looked around with my eyes down to my stomach. This particular bounce house had two main areas. There was the bounce area, which is where the entrance was at, and the upstairs, which the slide was located. As a kid, I thought I was kid heaven. Well until the bounce house had a mysterious air coming from the side. After a while, I noticed the bounce house going down. As the bounce house went down, so did my smile, but this not going to ruin my day! " I guess it's time to eat..”, I gazed over towards the playground. “WAIT! The monkey bars", In said as my smile rose back up.

I have never experienced the excitement of monkey bars like that day. " This is the best day of my life!", I screamed until my mom yelled " COME EAT, FOOD IS DONE!". I slowly got off the monkey bars, and walked to the picnic area to get my grub on. After my food was all gone, I waited there with my cousins, til my mom said the worse words ever. They were, " It is time to go home." I looked around in disbelief. " Mom, can I go on the monkey bars one more time. " I begged her. " Go ahead." As i sprinted towards the monkey bars, my little cousin creeped over like a mouse. I started climbing up as my cousin barked, " Don't fall!" "I'll be fine", I angrily replied until i got to the third bar.I stayed on the ground, and felt myself in pain. I looked down and saw my right wrist doing the thriller. I landed on the wood chip flooring wrist first.

I landed on the wood chip flooring wrist first. I attempted to move it but my wrist would not budge. I looked at my cousin with my eyes full of rage. I felt like I was jinxed! I will never trust a family member that creeps up from behind and yells at me. Because of my cousin, I went from having the best day of my life to being on the ground begging for help because my wrist would not follow what I would do. My dad rushed over to me and picked me up and had me run to the car. I have never felt so much pain in my life. We rushed to the hospital just for the doctors to clarify, yes I did break my wrist.

I swear I have never felt pain like that in my life. From that day I learned to take my time on the monkey bars and to keep my distance from family members from the monkey bars, well at least for awhile.

The author's comments:
My teacher told me to write a memoir and a past memory of me breaking my wrist popped up in my mind. So I tried to figure out how to turn my experience of breaking my wrist into a memoir and I came up with this.

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