Albert Einstein | Teen Ink

Albert Einstein

November 12, 2013
By Tiffanyy BRONZE, Rainelle, West Virginia
Tiffanyy BRONZE, Rainelle, West Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Albert Einstein
Birth: March 14th, 1879
Died: April 18th, 1955
Country he was born in: Ulm, Germany
Did his work: Einstein had many jobs but one of his first ones was working as a patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland.
Albert Einstein is famous because of his knowledge in science. His knowledge has helped children now, know so much more and want to be scientists just like he was. He is also famous because of this equation, e=mc2. This one equation, unraveled many mysteries for our world today. Einstein may be dead now, but he has made a huge impact on the world that we live in now.

Quote: “Only the one who does not question is safe from making a mistake.”
—Albert Einstein

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