Leadership Lessons: Genuineness | Teen Ink

Leadership Lessons: Genuineness

June 26, 2024
By RajitRanjanPandey SILVER, Tel Aviv, Other
RajitRanjanPandey SILVER, Tel Aviv, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every leader with his name etched on the echelons of greatness always carried a lifelong sense of genuineness. Liars and pretenders are bound to lose stature and their followers’ loyalty.

Success may not be guaranteed. But if the team spearheaded by the leader meant every action and the effort was consistent with virtue, one is capable of coping with defeat. There is, at the very least, a sense of satisfaction of having crusaded for the greater good. This lesson which rests beyond the horizon of the egocentrics is an essential component of a successful team effort and more importantly, eternal content with the effort.

Former US president John F. Kennedy is often considered as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. The reason why he is still a role model for many is the genuineness he possessed throughout his life. The only goal he carried while serving in the US Navy, as a Representative, as Senator, and as President, was serving the people who chose him. Criticism rained down on him, as for everyone else. He was criticized as weak and slow. But not one potshot affected him and the progress in the 35 months of the Kennedy administration is easily one of the best ever his country has ever seen. Hence, success is more likely to come to the genuine.

It may sound ‘cringe’. Many claim that it is mere competence that matters. Yet, I do not find any other virtue, any other skill, any mentor or any guide to be as perpetually motivating. The lens can never be clearer.

The author's comments:

Going to share some valuable lessons on leadership, for free, just for people that wanna inspire.

Whether you're leading kids or adults, intelligent or foolish people, hardworking or lazy people, schoolchildren or professionals, this series is for you.

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