Video game addiction | Teen Ink

Video game addiction

May 14, 2024
By HollandParkPoetry SILVER, London, Other
HollandParkPoetry SILVER, London, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You missed! How could you miss, he was 3 feet in front of you!

Teens all over the world have become hooked on video games. 99% of teens under 18 have played/play video games, and they spend on average 25-30hrs per week playing them. While simulation games seem harmless, they can teach kids a lot of misinformation, as for their realistic concepts. The younger they start playing them, the more susceptible they are to this misinformation. Shooter games have proven to be the most popular, and the most addictive type of video games, where as puzzle, strategy and board games have proven to be the least addictive.


The games make you feel dominant, and when you don't, you become reckless and do whatever you can to regain it. Board games however, do not cause recklessness, and are much slower paced than shooters. Fortnite battle royale is a good example of this. You spawn in on the battle bus, and jump off of it, landing somewhere of your choice. You then proceed to pick up items and weapons to fend off other players, all while the storm shrinks in and closes everyone in. Last person alive is the winner. A game usually lasts 20-30 minutes, assuming you have survived till the end. You gain battle stars, which can be used to purchase Vbucks (Fortnite's currency), or skins on the battle pass, But what makes this game so addictive? The fast pace of the game itself, the sense of dominance, and the engaging gameplay. Same goes for other shooter games such as Call Of Duty, GTA, and PUBG. Avoid letting children play these games because, as always, kids are more stimulated than teens when it comes to video games.


Stay safe, and be aware of the risks of video games


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