Syria: City of Grace to the City of Graves | Teen Ink

Syria: City of Grace to the City of Graves

May 12, 2019
By Bird_of_Jannah BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
Bird_of_Jannah BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be da change u wanna see in da world
~Mahatma Gandhi

Love to play Pubg?? Or you always wished to have machine guns,Uzi,AK-47 but never experienced ground zero in your nearby park where you used to play and seen blood and think just about your best friend's head apart from the body.Threatned just during you imagine all the hell on earth.Think about people,teens and just small kids expirienced it.There are thousand of Anne Frank in Syria at present.Kids who want to express their pain.Here's some of the stuff you should know from my perspective...

 Syria,a graceful city also known as Mulk-e-sham in the middle east is now a wreckage.It's destiny start changing in 2011 when superpowers, ISIS and Bashar-al-Asad stood against each other.


 Syria had been in war since 8 years.It has turned into a battlefield for america,Russia and other countries like Turkey and Iran.Russia and US is using it as a testfield for its nuclear and mmilitant weapons and forces.From year 2015 America had launched 9000+ missiles and Russia reached the number in just 6 days.


 America is playing an unimportant role in the Syrian crisis.86% of americans think America should not participate in global issues.Instead of interfaring in others issues American government should solve its nation's are issues first.Highschools are being attacked,kids are losting their lives.Half-of-the American teens are suffering from depression and mental illness becsuse of the violence.At the time, Trump should save the future of America :the teenagers president is taking interest in devastating Syria.


 On October 2017 Al-Raqqa previously the centre of ISIS was free from terrorist reign.It was a great achievement but the land was haunted during the struggle.


 Because of all the mess between rival nstions Syrians are victimised.Mosques are being ruined by so called Jihadis themselves.


 The city in the middle east is getting empty year-by-year.It had turned into a graveyard.


 It was previously a member of the Arab council till the war started and was suspended by 2011.At the time of trying to stop the bloodshed Arab countries took a side apart what state it simply betrayed its ex-member.


 The children of Syria are listening noise of machine guns instead of music.Instead of sending them to school their parents are sending them to refugee camps.Their dreams and passion are blasted.Their only goal in life is to survive and future they can see is of suffering.Imagine yourself as a Syrian teen for a while and I am sure you will understand what I mean by that.No life,no dream, nothing left to live.Teens of Syria are being trained to support terrorism and fight against their own nation.


 It is not wrong to say Syria will be a "battleground of WW3"where the Syrians will play only the role of innocent victims.


 It is sad but the truth.The city of grace turned into the city of terrorism and innocent ones graves.

The author's comments:

This is the image of Syria with the vision of a teen....Being an Indian I can feel the need of freedom. And as a writer and a human can imagine the suffering of the citizens and lack of peace.

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