Is Someone Here? | Teen Ink

Is Someone Here?

June 13, 2018
By Anonymous

It was seven in the morning and Jimmy was waking up for school when he heard something moving around in his house even though he was home alone. He quickly searched for his phone and then went into his closet. Now he was really scared because he heard doors closing and opening, and they sound like they were upstairs with him. He shaking with fear but trying not to make any noise. He heard the walking really close to his room now and he was trembling in fear at this point. He hears the person grab on his door knob and start to turn it. Everything went into slow motion he was sitting in his closet behind stacks of clothes he put in front of him to hide himself from the intruder. The intruder is now in his room Jimmy hears him opening draws to search for valuables he knows the intruder will come for him next. Walking around the intruder starts humming and gets really close to the door of the closet puts his hand on the door and opens it really slowly.  Jimmy sticks to his hiding place and doesn’t make a sound. When the intruder finally opens the door Jimmy sees a beam of light come through the cracks in the cloths. He can see a dark figure with a head of a horse but a normal human besides that. The intruder looks around for some time but doesn’t touch anything or move anything almost like he didn’t want to find Jimmy. About after five minutes the intruder left Jimmy’s room and is walking down the stairs, then randomly the walking stops and there is the loudest bang that Jimmy ever heard almost like a gunshot but it wasn’t. The front door suddenly opens and then closes, Jimmy stays in his closet for a little while after that just to be safe. Jimmy waited about 10 minutes to move because he was sure that the intruder left he then proceeded to call the police. When the police answered Jimmy told them what had happened, he woke up and he heard someone in his house with him so he hid in his closet and he eventually came to his closet and he saw a figure with a horse mask on.

The police responded with “is this a prank call?”

He said “no this is real can you please catch the person that broke into my house!”

They sent two police cars to search the nearby area little did they the intruder was still in Jimmy’s house. When Jimmy got off the phone with the police he went downstairs to see if anything was stolen. He is halfway down the steps when he sees a shadow move in front of the steps he keeps going though because he thought it was the trees in the window. When he got downstairs he heard someone whisper his name and he screamed and ran back upstairs. He heard the horse mask intruder follow him all the way up to his room until he locked him out. Then suddenly Jimmy hears the intruder burst out in laughter and he hears “it’s just joke it’s me bud.” Jimmy’s dad was the one that was the intruder the whole time and the police finally came to the door and said that they could find anyone who was wearing a horse mask. Jimmy embarrassingly responded it was my dad he pulled and prank on me.

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