Journal Entry 243 My Strangest Case | Teen Ink

Journal Entry 243 My Strangest Case

May 25, 2018
By 1,892,999 BRONZE, New York City, New York
1,892,999 BRONZE, New York City, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was sitting at the table in the police office waiting for a job to do. I was working the night shift this time to earn the extra pay as my family were planning on going on a vacation. I was sipping my coffee and then from behind me the receptionist came running out, saying that there is an emergency and for me to take the phone. I grab the phone. The caller said that there was a loud yell coming from their neighbor. I went and got two other cops to go and check out the scene with me and we then drove to the building as fast as we could.
Once we go to the building, I knocked on the door. A man opened on the door. He was very welcoming and nice, but there was something suspicious about it. The man said that the old man who usually lived in the house went out to the country. He showed us all around the house and showed us the old man’s secret chamber. I believed that he was not the culprit because he was so eager to show us around.
The officers and I started asking him questions and conferring with each other. Then all of a sudden the man swung his chair and got up. The man shrieked and said that he was the one who killed the old man and the old man made the noise because of it. He showed us the dead body under the floorboards which left the officers and me in shock. We were completely convinced that he did not do it. We brought the man to the office to decide how long he was going to go to jail for. In the end, he ended up going to jail for 3 years. I was glad it was finally over and done. It was a very stressful day.

The author's comments:

We were reading a story in a class called “A Telltale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe and we had to rewrite the story from another point of view and I decided to rewrite the story from the cop’s view and in the I thought it got pretty interesting.

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