Mystery Murderer | Teen Ink

Mystery Murderer

May 24, 2018
By Anonymous

Characters:Maggie,- main character, Taylor-best friend

Setting the scene:
In their apartment, located downtown chicago, 12 am

Scene 1:
Maggie and taylor are in their apartment, it is 12am, they are making popcorn and watching movies

The mystery murder
Maggie (making popcorn in the kitchen and watching the movie at the same time): Hey do you hear that? It sounds like someone is walking upstairs?
Taylor: Stop scaring me, it’s probably just the wind, i left my window open in my room and forgot to close it.
Maggie: No I swear it sounds like footsteps taylor Im freaking out
Maggie runs from the kitchen onto the couch where Taylor is and hides under the covers
Taylor: (acting careless) Really dude, do i seriously have to go up there and check to see if anyone is upstairs all because you are hearing things?
Maggie:(Hiding under the covers with just her head sticking out) Can you please, I’m so scared
Taylor: Fine but if I die it’s your fault! ( she says laughing)
*upstair door slams*
Taylor: (Walking up the stairs taylor yells loud) Is anyone up there?!
Maggie: (running to the front door) Okay thats it im calling 911...there’s definitely someone up there please can we leave?
Taylor: (runs down the stairs, grabs her phone and bolts out)
Maggie (dialling 911) I swear i’m not crazy, you heard it too! There’s definitely someone up stairs.
(911 answers)
911 Operator: Hi this is 911 what’s your emergency?
Maggie: (frantically explaining while they’re both walking out of their apartment building) I think there’s an intruder in my house, my friend and I heard footsteps upstairs and a door slammed. Can you please send someone?
911 operator: Alright mam, police is on their way but you need to stay out of the building and on the line with me in case anything happens.
Scene 2:
Maggie: How long do you think they will get here? It’s freezing out here and even scarier outside.
Taylor: (looking from afar into their living room window) Look! I can see someone’s shadow in the house, someone is definitely inside.
Maggie: (talking to the operator) We just saw someone’s shadow in the window, they seem to be in the living room, also looks like a man figure..
911 sirens start blaring and police cars start racing towards the girls
Police men and women start running towards the building and the girls
Maggie: (frantically speaking) Hello, yes there is somebody who looks like a man in my house, none of us are hurt, and we didn’t have a face to face encounter but we heard footsteps, the door slam and a shadow figure in---
2nd police officer approaches the girls who just came from investigating the house
Police Officer: Ma'am i’m sorry but we couldn’t find anyone in the house, if you saw somebody in your window could you please describe him to us and fill out a police report.
Maggie & Taylor (speaking at the same time): I swear somebody was in my house we heard and saw it very clearly
Police: You can fill out a police report and we will do some more investigating. We recommend you don’t stay in your house tonight in case anything else happens. We will have a squad car outside of your house keeping watch.
Maggie: Thank you
Taylor: Yes please that would be great, we will stay at our friend alexandra’s house.

Maggie and taylor arrive inside their apartment, packing their things when they hear a glass drop to the floor and a gunshot
Taylor’s heart drops as she is running into the kitchen: (Screaming and sobbing) Oh my god maggie, no no, please be alive please maggie PLEASE
Taylor checks maggie’s pulse as police run into the house quickly approaching maggie.
Paramedics arrive on the scene and bring maggie on the stretcher.
Taylor is sobbing her eyes out
Taylor asking police: Is she going to be okay?
Police: Im sorry Taylor, but your friend has passed away.

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