Oedipus Rex | Teen Ink

Oedipus Rex

December 8, 2017
By Anonymous

Dear Chorus,

The king he is an ignorant king. He does not know the truth, yet he believes a false truth. He is in a false hope, some might say. The king has very little patience. He believes I am lying even though I know everything there is to know. He wants to kill me instead of understanding the truth. The king of Thebes wants me to tell him who killed the last king. This will save the entire city except for one person. The one person is Oedipus. He is the one who killed the last king. Now he is the king of Thebes. Even though he came to me to find a solution, I only gave him more problems than he had before. If he did not pressure me into telling him his wife who was later discovered to be his mom. She would still be alive and he would still be with his daughters. Oedipus would have likely been the king at the city he grew up in. He made the entire town suffer for his actions, now he and his family are the only ones who are suffering. After hearing the truth that his wife is his mother, he then finds out his mother and father  left him on the side of the mountain because a prophet told them,”The father of this child would be killed by the son who will sleep with the mother. Oedipus puts his entire family in pain. He should be tortured for what he has done in the past. I knew this was going to happen the first time I laid my eyes on Oedipus.


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