Sweet Dreams | Teen Ink

Sweet Dreams

January 17, 2017
By 1MENACE1 BRONZE, Sacrmento, California
1MENACE1 BRONZE, Sacrmento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ring! Ring! Ring! I was awakened by a phone call “Good morning Menace.Don’t forget we have a family get together to night,”Alexa said .”Okay,okay! i remember,” Menace said.Alexa reminded Menace to pick up his cousin Jordan.
When they got off the phone Menace went to go get Jordan.Jordan just turned 18 and all he wanted to do was party and drink”.At least he dosen’t smoke” Menace thought.Menace was 25,a grown man that distanced himself from his family.Once Menace picked up Jordan they were on their to the house in the woods.
The house in the woods is Dad’s retirement home.When Menace and Jordan pulled up they saw the whole family.Alexa was Menace’s sister.Micheal was there too,Alexa’s boyfriend,and also auntie Cheylen.Menace never approved of Alexa’s boyfriend but she’s happy with him and that’s all Menace cares about.Once they got in Dad greeted everyone.He asked Jordan where’s the rest of his family and he said “they are not coming.I just wanted to  spend time with my best cousin ever which is Menace”Jordan said.Once everyone was sitting at the table to eat dinner there was a loud knock at the door.Dad asked if anyone eles was coming we all shook our head no.Dad went to go check who was at the door Menace followed him.When dad open up the door he was shot with a arrow.Menace hurryed up and closed the door,Menace told Micheal to cover up all the windows.Dad was bleeding out he told us that their were three people outside.Dad called Menace over and said”I love both of  you guys Menace make sure to take care of your sister for me its time for me to join your mother.Micheal pulled Alexa away from dad’s body.Menace went to go get Dad’s rifle.By this time the enemy surrounded the house.
There was no calling the police they were jamming the the phone singal.There was a noise from up stairs we knew it wasn’t one of us because we were all down stairs.Micheal said he will go check it out.Alexa was begging Micheal to not go up stairs.Micheal said “I’ll be fine don’t worry”.When Micheal came back down stairs he said” the window was broken that’s it “.When Micheal was walking down stairs Micheal was shot.Menace pointed the rifle up stairs and shot the person who shot Micheal.Micheal was dead everyone ran over to his body but not Alexa she was in shocked.Then Menace saw something up stairs and then when he was looking up stairs BANG! Menace got shot.BEP! BEP! BEP! Menace woke up to a alarm clock.It was just a bream thank god Menace said.

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