Zombies B tripping | Teen Ink

Zombies B tripping

January 17, 2017
By DragonZrLyfe BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
DragonZrLyfe BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was very late at night i was in my room sitting in my gaming chair playing zombies on my xbox then me and my friends i was playing with my friends online we were in the middle of trying to win but we were not that lucky i thought then as i was playing pppppzzzzzzzzz! POP! the power went out then the weird part was there were chains and blood everywhere i began to walk around my house to see what was going and i saw a severd arm and as i walked to the front room i saw my bropther hanging he was dead i threw up and then i woke to a screen flashing game over and then  thought of my brother being dead best 5 seconds ever

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