The New Beginning | Teen Ink

The New Beginning

January 20, 2017
By Anonymous

The New Beginning

I saw the orange haze pushing clouds from the horizon. The earth shook and gasped for breath as though being choked. I remembered watching a horse being born in the barn, the hotness of its breath, struggling to stand up, writhing on the floor with hay stuck to its back. This was the same. But the earth was being reborn.

This was the way it started.

That’s the year we lost our freedom. My brother and I were walking the first night. We were bored and didn't have anything to do so we went on a walk. That night was very odd. The forest seemed alive and that creepy old man who we saw more than once was quite peculiar also. Now that I remember, he was following us. Well back to the story. So we were walking and we saw this thing crash into the forest. At first Johnny and I were afraid but then we ran towards it trying to figure out what it was. As soon as we got there, we were amazed. Johnny's mouth was wide and I was just speechless. Were those real aliens or was I hallucinating?

I slapped myself looking for a way to get away from what I thought was a dream. Despite my many attempts, I wouldn’t wake up. I realized I wasn’t sleeping. WAIT I WASN’T SLEEPING? I tried reaching for Johnny’s hand but felt nothing. Where had he gone? I looked toward my feet and saw footsteps. Footsteps that weren’t mine. I proceeded by following those mysterious footsteps. Part of me wanted to run back home and hide under my bed, but I couldn’t leave my brother. What would mom and dad say?

I realized I had stopped walking. I looked at my watch. It had been 5 minutes and now I heard sirens. I also heard groaning behind me. I looked back and saw a familiar someone. Limping and groaning they pursued me. I freaked out, picked up a stick and hit it numerous times. It stopped moving. It was dead. IT was my brother, Jonathan. That was the day I killed my brother, a zombie. That was also the day I became a fugitive.

The author's comments:

The shows Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead inspired me to write this short story. For people who don't know, these shows include plots about a zombie apocolypse spreading across the world. My piece contains the same plot however in my story this is the way it started for the main character. 

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