A Sad Short Story | Teen Ink

A Sad Short Story

January 15, 2017
By Thrilled BRONZE, Palmerston North, Other
Thrilled BRONZE, Palmerston North, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I heard a bang. I reached for my sister and put my arms around her protectively. I tried not to scream or cry as I heard the thumps on the stairs get louder. "Keep it together," I whispered to myself. I had to stay strong for my sister.

I squeezed the bat harder as I saw the door knob move. I got ready to fight. The door swung open. My heart skipped a beat. To my surprise there was no one there.
“Dannay,” my sister whimpered at my side.
“Get behind me,” I told her.

I heard a creak and jumped back from the door. My heart was pounding and sweat was pouring off my head. The nearest phone was downstairs. I looked at my sister. I could make a run for it. My sister’s scream interrupted my thoughts.

In front of me was a tall man probably over six foot. I sized him up. My eyes followed his arm till I got to his hand. I froze. The knife glinted as it reflected the light.

I eyed the window, it seemed like the only option to escape. I grabbed Abby and ran to the window across the room, but I wasn't fast enough. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. My blood went ice cold. My sister’s face was as white as a sheet.

He jerked me towards him pressing the knife to my throat. I struggled against him clawing blindly at his face, but it only made him press harder.
“Danny. Danny!” my sister screamed.
“Run Abby,” I managed to say, but she just stood there.

“I want the money your father owes me,” said the man. “Or he will pay me by losing you.”
“I dont have the money,” I cried. The knife felt cool on my throat. Abby’s tear streaked face was the last thing I saw before my world went black.

I slumped to the floor. I heard a scream, footsteps, then there was nothing.



I screamed as my big brother hit the floor, drenched in his own blood. I ran. The man was chasing me. I ran out the front door straight to the neighbor's house. I looked back but the man was gone. I banged on the door as hard as I could, screaming at the neighbours to open it.

“Abby, what’s wrong?” they asked opening the door.
“It’s all my fault, It's all my fault. I should have ran,” I cried.
“What is it, honey?”
“Dannay’s dead.”

The author's comments:

I hope you enjoy/enjoyed my story

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