The Burrow | Teen Ink

The Burrow

December 19, 2016
By g_cav BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
g_cav BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was 2 am. I thought it was a dream until I felt a pain, a pain so severe, that none could copy it. It was not an external pain, it was internal, like someone was stabbing my insides trying to get out.

                                      5 hours earlier
“Mom, we are going to be late,” I yelled.
I had an awesome babysitting job! The kids were demons, but the parents payed great. I could not be late.
“Hurry up mom, I want to take the kids to a movie at 7.”
I really didn’t, but if my mom thought I was doing something good on my own for once, she might move a little faster. I slammed the car door shut and rattled it, then I honked the horn for about 2 minutes, until my mom finally walked out of the door.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” she yelled.
I just rolled my big blue eyes and stared out the cold, dim window.
“Looks like there is a storm coming in,” my mom said, just a little too cheery.
I just kept looking at my phone seeing how late I was. We were about there when a lady came out of nowhere, walking into the middle of the road holding a baby. My mom was about to pull over when I told her to keep going.
“That lady needed help!” my mom said, trying to guilt trip me, but it didn’t work.
“She will be fine!” I said.
We drove on. My mom turned on old, weird, eighties music, but I quickly changed it to the new pop station. We got to the house and my mom dropped me off. I was eight minutes late, but that was okay, these people were always late anyway. I knocked on the door and straightened my shirt.
“Hello, come on in!”said Jackie, the kids mom.
“We are a little late, but there is spaghetti in the fridge and put the baby to sleep at 8:30.”
“Ok then, goodbye!” I said shutting the door.
Then the kids came. There was Jimmy, who was 9, and a little too energetic. Natalie, who was 7, she was just a little brat. And last but not least the baby. The baby was 7 months old and adorable. All at once they came stampeding to me like a herd of buffalo. I just stood there and halfway to me they stopped, and then screamed.
“Hey kids it’s only me.”
Then I heard it, a low breathing behind me, and then I screamed too and whipped around. Then I looked down and realized it was only the neighbors dog, and I kicked it outside. I slammed the door and locked it, my heart was still thudding.
“Ok kids, want to play a game?” I asked
“Yes!” they all yelled in unison.
“This game is called the quiet game,  whoever makes a noise first loses, Starting now.”

I plopped down on the couch and got on my phone, but something was wrong, the internet was not working. So I coughed and ended up losing the game. We all sat down and turned on a movie. We watched Spongebob and made popcorn and ate spaghetti. There was a knock at the door. I answered it. There was a lady standing there, she looked familiar, but I had no idea what from. Her eyes were a pale green and she was really skinny. She was holding a baby and I wondered where I knew her from. Her baby had an old silk gown and it was so old it was faded. The lady just stared into me and I could tell something was wrong with her.
“Hello, can I help you with something?” I asked, and she just kept staring at me.

She said in an old, creepy voice, “Come with me, and for some reason I did.
It was 2 am. I thought it was a dream until I felt a pain, a pain so severe, that none could copy it. It was not an external pain, it was internal, like someone was stabbing my insides trying to get out. Then I remembered. I was lying on the ground, Under a bridge, not in a burrow, somewhere, underneath a street. I tried sitting up, but the pain was so excruciating I could not move. I looked around and saw something. A light gold car, I couldn’t tell what kind, but it was beat up, bad. It was crumbled, clearly crashed. I finally regained complete consciousness and sat up quickly, and that was all my head could take. I quickly laid back down because my head felt like it was on fire. I was ready to scream, but there was no use. I finally sat up, but this time, very slowly. I looked around and noticed the car again, it was old, and very beat up. I stood up, quite cautiously as well, I knew if I stood up too quickly, I would pass out.

When I was up I slowly crept towards the car, what I was afraid of , I knew not, but I was silent anyway. I got within two feet and peered inside. It was not empty, there was blood stains everywhere, but my mind was out of it, so I began to pry the car door open. There was suitcases everywhere, and my guess was that whoever these people are, or were, were moving somewhere. I continued looking and then I saw it, oh I couldn’t stand it, it was absolutely awful. I backed away then I searched for my phone, I needed to call the police. I couldn’t find it though, it was not in my pocket. I searched everywhere and finally I saw a light glimmering about 25 ft away. I went towards, and yes it was my phone. I called the police. They came and took care of everything. A lady and her baby were on their way to their Grandma’s house and slid off the road and crashed. Neither lived, but it was a quick death. I don’t know if that was a dream or not or how that happened.

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