When the Snake Starts to Sing | Teen Ink

When the Snake Starts to Sing

December 26, 2016
By Beckyp763 BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
Beckyp763 BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The date was September 22, 2015. Marion Martin, a nurse, was in the park with her boyfriend, Jared. They have been together for about six months, a long time for Marion. She was 24, a pretty girl who was not the smartest nurse in the hospital. She loved dating, and Jared loved her. He truly thought she was the one.

“It’s not you, it’s me,” Marion was saying. Jared stared at her, from his place on the ground. He was leaning on one knee, holding out a ring that had a diamond on it the size of Texas. He was shocked, and tears sprung to his eyes as she denied his proposal. He slowly stood up. He was a few inches taller than his now-ex-girlfriend.
“At least give me a reason why, Marion. I feel I deserve to know why you're dumping me,” Jared said shakily.
“I’m just bored of you,” Marion said without emotion. “You act like you’re one hundred years old, and you're just are not cool or fun.” Marion had the nasty habit of saying anything she was thinking. This often played to her disadvantage, as whenever someone asked a question, she would say the answer no matter what it was.
“Marion, please just give me a chance. I promise-” Jared started to say. He was cut off by Marion screaming at something she was staring at on the ground.
“A SNAKE! OMG THERES A SNAKE KILL IT KILL IT PLEASE!!” She started to run the other way, but Jared grabbed her hand and pointed at the thing that she was referring to, which turned out to be a shoelace. Marion couldn’t STAND snakes, and it was at that moment Jared had an idea.
After he realized he would never win her back, Jared ran home. He didn’t own a car, and would constantly run places, or at least, that's what he told people. But the odd thing was, no one would ever see him run. It’s almost as if he teleported places. He was weird, no doubt about it. Physically, he was attractive. Curly brown hair, a smile so kind and sincere that it mades other people smile as soon as they see it. He acted much older than his age. He claimed to be 26, but he would always make references no one got and didn’t know how to use modern age technology. He was an aspiring musician, and loved songs that were somewhat creepy.  His best quality were his eyes. His eyes were indescribable, though. They seemed to change colors, but no one ever saw them in the process of changing. On this day, on his way home, they turned a violent shade of red.
Once he got home, he locked the door. He was mad that the love his life dumped him. He ran to a painting on the wall and punched it. The painting was of a wizard, a stereotypical wizard in a tall blue hat. When Jared punched, he hit it right in the nose. Something happened. A sound emerged, almost a scream but not. The painting flew open, and a staircase appeared. Jared flew down the staircase. His feet only touched the ground two or three times. He finally stepped into a room, about the size of a school library.
The walls were covered in shelves. They held books and bottles of things floating in multi-colored liquids and mirrors with creepy designs carved into the edges. He breezed past these and ran to the back of the room, the only bare wall. He punched it over and over again. Finally he stopped and reached into his pocket. He pulled out his wallet and opened it. He pulled a picture of a pretty, small blonde woman out of it.
As he touched the picture, his eyes changed from the deep shade of red to a mixture of colors: Red, yellow and black. He began to whisper to the picture of Marion, the picture started to glow a bright greenish yellow.
“Red touching black, safe for Jack. Red touching yellow, kill a fellow,” he whispered over and over again, as the picture started to disintegrate. First the edges, then the embers made its way to the middle. The last thing burnt was Marion’s cute little face.
Jared screamed. Something started happening to his body.He was growing, and getting wider. His eyes shrank and turned pure black. His body grew scales, and his teeth grew pointer and sharper. He finally stopped screaming, and slithered to one of the huge mirrors on the walls. He was so big, he could hardly fit in the room. He stared at his reflection and smiled. His coloring was Red touching Black.
The next day, an alert sounded in the Los Angeles hospital where Marion worked. A flood of women were brutally injured the night before, all poisoned and unconscious. They all had odd holes in them, almost like a snake bite but ten times bigger.
Marion rushed in. They needed all of the nurses to help, because the women were so close to death. She started looking at the patients, taking their pulses and body temperature.
One of the other nurses, Jasmine, walked up to Marion. Jasmine was a good friend of Marion’s, and one of the best nurses in the hospital.
“Funny,” she said to Marion. “They all kind of look like...like YOU”. When she said that, Marion turned to look at all of the women on the stretchers. They had to put them in the hall until they found enough room, and with them all in one place, Marion could see the similarities.
They all had blonde hair, just like hers. They had medium length hair, just like hers. They were all on the short side, just like her. They all really did look like Marion. She stared at the women and shook it off.
“It’s nothing”, she said to Jasmine, “I’m guessing it was an act of a cult or a secret society, like a society of short women with blonde hair.”
“Or someone was trying to find a person that has medium blonde hair to kill them, and was looking from behind”, Jasmine told Marion. “Maybe it was Jared. From what you told me, he seems like the type who seems sweet until he gets mad and kills a bunch of blondes.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Jasmine,” Marion laughed. “Jared would never do that”.
Still, when Jasmine said that, Marion couldn’t help but wonder; Was it Jared? Was it really a murder, not a cult suicide? Where did the humongous holes in their bodies come from? Was there a snake that big out there?
“Madame, calm down”, Marion was saying to a frantic patient. “Tell me what you saw”
“I saw this long creature, like a snake but 50 feet long! It hit me from behind, but when I fell I landed on my side and rolled over. The snake looked at my face and looked hopeful, then mad. He took his tail and hit me, and I got knocked out. He was singing a song about a snake”, the girl cried.
The entire day was a blur. Helping the victims, patching up the holes in the side of their bodies. They were poisoned, and had to extract the poison out by injecting anti venom into the patient's. The women had started to wake up, all describing a large creature singing a song about a snake. The story seemed so bizarre, but every single person who woke up from there state of unconsciousness told the exact same story.
The nurses had to stay until one in the morning until more doctors could come in to help the women. Marion grabbed her coat and started walking to the exit, exhausted. The halls were dark, being lit only by flickering dimmed fluorescent lights. Marion smiled, knowing she was truly helping these people, when she heard singing. She recognized the song; it was “And the Snakes Starts to Sing,” by Bring me the Horizon. It was one of Jared’s favorite songs.
“I probably just miss him a little. I’m hearing things”, Marion mumbled to herself. “Well, I don’t miss him so I’m probably just tired,”  She shuddered. Even a song about snakes made her terrified that one will pop out from one of the rooms in the dark hall.
“We'll sell your bones for another roll. We'll sharpen your teeth. Tell yourself that it's just business.”
It sounded like his voice. It sounded like he was right around the hall. It sounded like he was getting closer. It started to hiss while it sang.
“Worms come out of the woodwork. Leeches crawl from out of the dirt (hisss) Rats come out of the holes they call home, I fall apart. (hisss) And the snakes start to sing.”
Marion stopped, and felt the floor rumbling. She slowly turned around, and saw the head of her worst nightmare; a fifty foot poisonous snake rounding the corner, eyes looking around until it saw Marion staring at it with an open mouth, shaking. It smiled, and plunged down the hall at her, slithering faster than a cheetah.
Marion screamed, but no one came. She pivoted and started running to the exit. She had changed out of her sensible nurse shoes and changed into her own shoes before she started leaving. Why had she chose today to wear her new shoes to work?? The heel was at least three inches high. Marion was quite skilled in walking in high-fashion shoes, but never perfected the art of running in them.
“Marion, why are you running dearest?” The snake screeched. The voice was obviously Jareds.
“Why are you doing this to me? Why are you a snake? Jared, what are you?” Marion screamed. She tripped over the heel, and looked behind her. She took off the shoes, but by the time she stood up, it was too late. The snake was only a foot away. It stopped, and lifted it’s head. The snake was so huge, he crashed into the ceiling. He leaned his head so he was only a few inches away from Marion’s face. He swished his long tail to beat her down.
“You break my heart, and I will break you”, he said. He started laughing, and Marion screamed for help once more.
“It’s no use, dear”, Jared yelled, “They can’t come to help. They shouldn’t have tried to stop me.” Marion was still struggling to stand but the snake’s tail slapped her in the leg, again and again, knocking her down over and over. “It’s over.” Marion looked up at him and he sang a line from the song in a creepy, hypnotic way.
“Worms come out of the woodwork, And the snakes start to sing.”
He unhinged his jaw, and plunged at her. It was at that moment Marion stabbed the heel into Jared’s open beady black snake eye. The shoe stayed there, and green ooze rushed out around the shoe instead of blood. A droplet of ooze fell onto her skin, dissolving immediately into her arm. The monster wailed in pain as Marion took the chance to escape. She ran through the hall towards the exit. But for some reason, instead of escaping to freedom, she took a left and ducked into a janitor's closet.
The room was so small the snake couldn’t even fit in it. Marion sat on a bucket and started crying again. She looked around the room. There was a sink, a mirror, a few brooms and cleaning supplies. She looked in the mirror and gasped.
He throat was glowing a greenish yellow. Suddenly a pain so severe ripped through her entire body. She screamed in pain as her eyes started glowing green too. Then her ears and nose glowed the mysterious light.
The pain intensified as she coughed into her hand. Something came out into her hand from her mouth. She looked; a small, poisonous snake. It bit her hand and she screamed. The pain intensified and finally there was a burst. Snakes started pouring out of Marion; from her eyes, her nostrils, mouth and ears. She tried to scream but her mouth and throat was overflowing with snakes.
Suddenly more snakes poured out of her body, tiny snakes emerged from her  pores. Snakes were everywhere, almost all poisonous. Every single one started biting her as soon as they came out. With each snake the nexts one was bigger, and bigger until a snake so huge got caught in Marion’s throat. She tried to yell and thrash but she was covered in snakes and could barely move.
A minute later, Jared opened the door with his human hands. He was his regular size and looked normal. He stared at the small pretty bloody body that lay dead on the floor. As he walked away from the closet, he cheerily whistled the tune “As the Snakes Start to Sing,” by Bring Me The Horizon. 

The author's comments:

This was an assignment for my 10th grade english class, and I really like how it turned out. I am currently in eleventh grade, and I still try to continue to evolve as a writer.

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