The Ghost Buck | Teen Ink

The Ghost Buck

December 20, 2016
By Butcher BRONZE, Owingsville, Kentucky
Butcher BRONZE, Owingsville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Ghost Buck
Warning: none of the things you read in the article is true
It started on a day like no other, on a cold evening on a November day during deer season. Everything seemed normal, but it wasn't. I was sitting at my stand when an average looking buck walked out. It was a big eight point buck, and the sight of it caused me to shake. I was pointing my rifle between its shoulder and bang! The deer hit the ground. 
I was excited that I  shot the buck, but I didn’t know that it was a start to a new ghost story. When I found out about it, it was scary. I found it out on  a late summer day when I went out into the same holler, coyote hunting. When it happened I seen a deer but what was odd was that the deer wasn’t in velvet as it got closer, I seen that it wasn’t a deer. I could see through it! I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. But I heard the shot, scaring me right out  of my stand. Then I seen the buck a drop and vanish as the deer hit the ground. 
Of course I went down their and try to look and see if it just bedded down but there was no sign of were its been. At first I thought it was that I was ready for deer season to get here, but then I remember the big 8, I shot. I was thinking about who  is going to believe me, their going to think I am insane.  so the next day I took my friend Townsend at the exact spot. At first I told him, he  thought I was crazy. I thought if this does happen, the whole town is going to make fun of me. But my friend shot a coyote and pulled me out of my thoughts. Townsend was yelling, "I got 'em." I ask him what did you shoot. He said a big coyote. We went  down but something grunted. We stop turned around and the  buck was right there in front of us. I knew it was going to do the loud shot but I didn’t tell Townsend about it. Well the shot went off then I heard a loud thud. I looked at Townsend he hit the ground.

He was looking at me screaming what was that thing, we need to tell people. I looked at him, I was thinking about what would happen if we told someone. I finally looked at him open my mouth and said no it would make us look like fools, people will think we are crazy. Townsend what do we do, I looked t him and said will keep it a secret got me, you got to hush your mouth, got me. Townsend shook his head. So we went on are separate ways or I thought. I know this might seem long but we are getting to the end. Their might not be a terrible unfortunate  events towards the ending or it might be a good ending you just need to find out. So back on with story, a weak later, me and Townsend  keep it a secret but  we all ways  went  back but what we found out was weird. Remember when Townsend shot the coyote o yea it was there. It came the same time of when it was you get it, its kind of repetitive but it get the job done. 

Months went by since me and Townsend went down to that holler but it was still in the back of my mind. What was causing this to happen? How is this happening?  I've made my mind up, me and Townsend had to go back and find out what is causing this. See usually in the movies, they get a group of people to come but there is only two of them. So try to find out what happens next.
Me and Townsend waited until it got dark we went into to the holler. We waked for what felt like miles. We looked for anything that would explain what we seen but nothing we look in old rock piles and old barns but nothing.  we walked a little further to find an old house but something was odd their was a glow in the window. What am I kidding their was no window but it just seems to make sense. But anyway we slowly creeped up. I told Townsend to got to the back to make sure what ever it is, wouldn't go out the back. 
I walked in the house slowly taking little step, making each one quiet so nothing would know I was in their. I creeped slowly up stairs. Until I was right beside the door were the glow was coming from. This when my heart sounded like a metal drum. It took me a couple of minutes to build my strength up. I finally peaked around the door and their it stood. I stood their just staring at it.
At first I didn’t know what it was. The thing was hunched over like it was eating something. It finally turned around it was staring at me, it finally stood up. It was about eight feet tall. It started to growl  it finally took a step. The growling finally got louder, louder, and louder. Until it was as loud as a cars motor. It ran at me but it was odd because it ran straight through me. I was in shock as I fell on the floor . I laid their until it was dead silence but what broke the silence was Townsend screaming. I came running straight out of the old house to see  the thing beating Townsend with his own arm that was ripped off. 
I couldn’t think of any way to help him but I just ran at it. I dove into the air to make contact but as  I was in the air it just disappeared. I hit the ground and rolled for a good 10 yards. I got up a ran over to Townsend. The blood was just pouring out. I grabbed his armed and him. I rushed to the truck as fast as I could. I knew I wasn’t fast enough. I knew he was going to plead out bu6 their was nothing I could do but drive. I was going to drive as fast as I could.
we finally got to the hospital. As the doctors rushed Townsend in, I was worrying what was going to happen. I knew people were going to ask question but how could I answer them with what I witness. All I could think about is what is going to happen to Townsend.
Weeks went bye and Townsend was in critical health he lost his arm and was very sick due to the infection on the area were his arm use to be.  Townsend made the excuse that it was done by a malfunction with a dozer and everybody thought  that it was true and didn’t ask no question.  which was great but I think some knew it wasn’t true.
Months went past when I got the call. Townsend died late in the night. I  felt emotions I never felt before. A  friend that was all ways friendly no matter what. Me and him was friends since we were little infants and now his gone. 
The day of the funeral, I went in as I looked down I couldn’t help but think it was my fault. If I didn’t want to do the investigation none of this would have happen. Townsend would still be here and he would be alive but yet he is dead. It was time for me to leave so I left my lucky bullet necklace in his hand as I walked away.
I thought about what happen all week long. I remember the screams of Townsend, thy haunted me every day. When I got to sleep I wake up in a sweat. It was time I had to go back to the holler, for Townsend. 
I made a sign to hang up at the mouth of the holler. As I went into the holler, were the old house was. I  just stood their staring at the old house. My arms and legs started to shake as my heart beat  grew faster and louder. I took small steps to the house, each one smaller than the other. I crept closer to the door, seeing the old blood of Townsend laying on the ground were I packed him out.
Before I knew it, I was at the stairs I crept up, but what was strange was that I didn’t make it half way up the stairs. When I heard the growling and then I turned around it was standing right behind me. I stood staring at it, until I felt angry that this thing killed my best friend.  The beast took one step closer up the stair.  
As it dragged its sharp claws on the sides of the wall. I pulled out my Glock 9mm and fired a shots at the beast but nothing happen. The beast lunged at me  as I took a step up the stairs. The beast started to growl louder and then it started to run at me. 
I ran up the stairs and around the corner but I wasn’t fast enough it has caught me. With its beaded red eyes staring right at me while it was on top off me. I could feel the beast but I had an ideal. I put my 9mm right  on its shoulder pulling the trigger. This time it actually hit the beast. The beast  let out a terrifying scream as it faded away.  I picked up my self off the ground but then I felt it the pan in my back. I looked down at my chest it was a stake struck through it. I fell to the ground but as I fell I seen the beast standing right behind me.
If you ever take a trip down to eastern Kentucky, you should steer clear of the back roads of bath county, on the Washington Branch Road. All the hollers on that road connect to the ghost buck holler. If there is ever a doubt that ghost exist, may go if you dare.

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