Till Death Do Us Part | Teen Ink

Till Death Do Us Part

December 12, 2016
By AlexandriaAllen BRONZE, Roseland, Nebraska
AlexandriaAllen BRONZE, Roseland, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday, around 7:00 P.M, I get on this rusty old subway. The floors are always dirty and once in a while I see rats running along the place, but they’re nothing like the c***roaches. Other than those spine-shivering things, nothing is ever different. Usually all of the same people that I usually talk to are on here everyday like Linda, Elliot, Jim, Warren, Hunter, Trista, and Lisa are always on the subway with me everyday and we always pass underground New York and it’s not anywhere as beautiful as anyone may think. It stinks worse than a sewer, and the people are terribly rude, but today was an absolutely different day.
Today is the day I meet this mysterious and fashionable man… After a long and hard day of work being a clothing designer-ugh, who am I kidding? I’m just an intern that gets coffee for the fat old boss that calls me Lucy instead of Lexi because Lucy is sexier. Still a girl can dream you know? - I notice that I’m quite late getting to my subway, and I run as fast as I can to get on. Thankfully I made it, however if I would’ve waited a minute later, I would not have been so lucky Phew. I grab the same railing that I can barely reach as I usually do. I’m surprised to see there’s a tall man standing there. The first thing I notice is his elegance within his mustache and his clean and fashionable garments. He looks fierce and inspiring and it gives me a vision of a young gentleman from the 1960s.
“Would you like to touch it?” he says confidently.
I must’ve been staring for too long. “Excuse me? Touch what?” I say confused, but obviously he meant his mustache. I must seem like such a blonde bimbo…Oh, well.
The man laughs quietly to himself and replies, “You don’t seem like that at all my dear.”
I look at him with fear. Can he read my thoughts…? “Sir, what are you talking about?” My hands start shaking and I just need to sit down. I take a seat near the creepy but elegant man holding the railing.
He grew a snide smirk on his face and he seemed to know that something was bothering me, “Sorry dear, but I must go, this is my stop.”
The subway hadn’t stopped anywhere. He just faded out of the door.
I was in shock, and the world around me came crashing back into place. I must’ve had a distraught look on my face because everyone looked at me as if I was crazy. I tried to tell them my story, but none of them believed me. They said that there wasn’t a man in a nice old tux and I felt like this was just one big joke that they made up.
A seventy year old, heavyset woman, Linda, started a new conversation trying to get everyone off topic of what had just happened. She said, “That reminds me, today is the anniversary of the day that Mr. Richardson committed suicide here 56 years ago when he jumped out of a subway with no stop. They say his true love left him on the day of their wedding. She was quite the beauty might I add, I remember her cute little round face. Why she looks quite like Lexi here. How odd.”
My eyes widened and I looked out the window of the dirty old subway. I saw him with a devilish smile and waving c***ily towards me, and I see him mouthing, “I will get my revenge, my love.”

The author's comments:

I feel like people take love less seriously than they used to, and I chose this unusual way to show that love can last past death, but there will e concequences. I also sort of believe that you can have a second life after death, and that I wanted people to wonder 'was she his love from the past life?', or maybe 'has he mistook her for someone else?'. I love that aura of mystery that the mind can create and it just shows that the human mind is such a creative being within itself.

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