The Runaway Painting | Teen Ink

The Runaway Painting

October 25, 2016
By KyLynnFuller21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
KyLynnFuller21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One cold, breezy, and quiet night, there was nothing but the sound of the trees

being pushed over like a helpless person. It sounded like that they were going to bend over

and break in half like a  broken bone. It looked like they were going to break and crash into my

House while we sleep in the darkness. Around midnight the breeze calms itself and I get a phone

call that happened before i could barely hear sirens coming from the north side of me. The phone

was ringing in my ear like wild wolves.

“Hello? Yes, this yawn Jake. Yes, yes. Ok, I’ll be there. O.k. Bye.”

            I opened my eyes to see flashing lights like it was the fourth of July, soon  after the

lights and the howling stopped I started to get dressed in my white with black stains, black pants

with holes from the other investigations, brown shoes, a grayish-brown cloak, and a black hat. I

left a note on the fridge so that way my brother doesn’t freak when I’m gone.  

  I get in my SUV and I start heading into the darkness and not even ten blocks and I

was already at the Mansion and there was already a big crowd at the Mansion that I had to go

through the crowd to get myself inside the Mansion. There were about sixty cops in the building.

Ten of them were talking to the people that lived in the  Mansion and the rest were investigating

the rest of the house. I finally found the Chief out of all the cops he was the only one that was

wearing a midnight blue shirt with blackish gray pants, and black shoes. The others were wearing

blue shirts with a white cloak, black pants with different colored shoes.

“HEY, CHIEF! I’M DOWN HERE WAITING FOR YOU!” I hollered with a yawn.

      He starts to walk towards me as I felt nervous on the inside but confitdent on the outside. He
gets closer and closer and I’m just waiting for him to tell me what I need to do.

“Hello, Jack. I’m glad you came, but this is serious businesses.”

“What happened sir?”

“ Someone stole the Mana Lesa during the night.”

“Really? At midnight. Why would anyone want to do that?”

“Years go by and people change, Jack. But, we haven’t had anything like this before. Well,

not like this for awhile.”

“Well, what do you want me to do?” I asked unsure I really wanted to know.

“Go investigate where the picture is suppose to be. Then, if you still need help I’ll get you

When he said that i knew exactly who he was talking about. Billy. Me and Billy are the best

detectives, in our town at least, that we can solve almost every single crime, but this one will be

hard to crack. All I could find was that there was a black fingerprint from the person that stole the


I wonder why people would do that though. Well, it’s a new year and people change after

the years go by. But still, who would want to steal the Mana Lesa.

I push forward in the crime area. I saw nothing but that fingerprint. I left the area to go

home and to investigate more.

           The next day I go ask a couple of my friends about the pictures and if they saw anything

that same night. But, only one of them said that they did. So then I asked him a couple of


        “What did you see that night? Was there anything you saw that was stolen? What time did

the criminal steal the object?”

I had to ask him question that would make him think that i don’t know anything. But, he

caught on very fast.

“It was 11:47 we the criminal struck and the object he stole looked like a picture or a

painting but I’m not sure and it seemed like there were no guards that night guarding the house,

but i did hear a scream that night, but I didn’t see no weapons on him when he got in and when he

left. But, i was going to call the police but i just froze in horror when he was looking at me.Then, I

ran and ran and ran for my life and i never looked back.” My Librarian friend said as if it was

happening again.

The same night there was a murder the mansion and it was the wife of the rich man and it

was the same guy, too. Well that’s what the rich man said.

In the morning i asked my Librarian friend if he saw what happened and he just said that

he saw the same guy and heard a scream and ran off, again.

I asked him where he was and he started the say, “ At the. . . the . . . Mans- park! At the

park then walking home.”

I got very suspicious when he started acting weird. He said that he thought that it was the

Baker but in my mind i knew it was him.

“I’ll be back to talk to you.”

But, he grabbed my arm and said, “NO NO NO!!! IT WAS ME AND I CAN’T HIDE IT


BUSINESS. I’m sorry, so, so, so sorry.” He said as tears ran down his face with guilt. His

bleached white pant turned into brown dust and his shirt into water from the tears he had

“Well it’s off the the old slammer for you my old friend. I really wish it wasn’t you but you

did something that i think no one would have ever done.”

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