Untitled | Teen Ink


October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

It was dark and cold, and the overbearing pressure and anticipation had set the scene of the night. We were out looking for something, and we knew that whatever we were looking for was looking for us. The team sets out, ready for whatever we encounter out here on this night. Our two trappers, our two technicians, and our hunters are equipped with their respective gear. I myself am in the technicians group, so I go around setting up cameras and microphones around the camp. There are 9 cameras stationed around camp that I monitor, but only three of them have microphones. The trappers set up their net rigs and their other various gadgets in front of and around our cameras, while our hunters stand at attention back at base camp, ready to see what the trappers have gotten.

At about, I’d guess three in the morning, one of our cameras went off. It wasn’t a camera with sound, but we saw something in the net. A hunter and a trapper went forth to see the catch. Unfortunately, it was not what we were looking for. Some squirrel tripped the trap, and thankfully the trapper came along with the hunter to reset the trap.

However, while those two were out, in one of the cameras with a microphone, we heard noise. This was a noise unlike any animals in the wild out here. There was something breathing into the microphone, whispery and ominous sounding breathing, and I sent the other stationed hunter to go investigate. The other technician is starting to get worried about the situation. I assure him that nothing is going to happen, and we have this under control.

After hearing a bloodcurdling scream, the hunter we sent radios into us. He is breathing heavily and quickly, and explaining his encounter. He says he is cut up and bloodied, and he needs assistance. We hear one last scream and he cuts out. I order the other hunter to go check out the situation. The other technician is truly offset now, and screams at the top of his lungs. I grab him and cover his mouth, as this is obviously not going to help us.

Then I hear it. Rustling. The sound gets closer and closer. Then, out of nowhere, the other technician is grabbed from the dark. I couldn’t see what it was. He was screaming and torn away from his post. The final hunter shot into the dark, and a loud growl was heard. From behind, black arms enveloped his face, and he was taken away just as easily as the technician.

Just as I heard the call of death, and I swear I saw the beast’s face, it was only momentarily. I don’t remember what it looked like, all because it was so sudden, but it didn’t get me, and here I am. I was the only one to walk away from that mess. Everyone else was lost. Now if you excuse me, I hear something in the closet in the other room.

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