The Perfect Family | Teen Ink

The Perfect Family

May 26, 2016
By Alyssajade BRONZE, Lewisville , Texas
Alyssajade BRONZE, Lewisville , Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She stares at the sphere that she was holding with her bloody hands and salty tears. Staring at the globe bringing back the horrible memories from her childhood. She smashes the snow globe in anger. “ I just wanted the perfect family.” She whispered to herself. In the distance she hears people coming from the street. Quickly she Buries her two children and husband in the back of the old run down gas station.  She runs back home in the shadows so know one would see her or suspect her. She stares at herself in the mirror with disappointment. “ Why doesn't ever work?” “It never works!”’ She screams as she breaks the mirror. She washes herself off then stares back at herself in the cracked mirror. “Well then Melanie I guess we are trying this again.” She grabs her stuff to her car. She drives off smirking to herself in pride.

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