Reflection | Teen Ink


May 25, 2016
By Dpilkington BRONZE, Warrensville, Ohio
Dpilkington BRONZE, Warrensville, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I heard it before I felt, and I felt it before I saw it. A whisper, a touch, and then a dark shadow looming behind me. I whipped the book around my back to try to hit it, but it dissipated and laughed--a horrible, cackling laugh. I looked around, searching, but nothing was there. Then, the lights went out, and everything was dark. I ran in the direction of the switch, but it hit me in the head. I fell down, losing consciousness. A deep, dark sleep came upon me, and I fell into its icy grasp.

I awoke to the sound of metal clanking metal. I got up and looked around. I was in a different place this time, one that I vaguely remember. I went towards the sound, like an utter idiot, and Found myself in a new room, this one dimly lit. I put my hands out in front of me, so I wouldn’t hit a wall. I soon felt my hands getting near somewhere warmer. Thinking it was a vent that I could escape through, I rushed towards it. My hands felt metal, and I pushed a cage off a ledge. The lights flicked on, and I could suddenly see. I had pushed over a cage with a human in it. The human (I couldn’t tell gender), just looked as it fell towards a dark, deep, empty abyss. AlI could do was helplessly watch from afar. I heard snickering, and I whirled around to see who had laughed at the fate of that innocent creature, or laughed at the boy who had sealed it. There was a mirror. I looked into it, seeing myself in the reflection. But it wasn’t me. Something about it, maybe the faint hue of red, or perhaps the eyes were tinted red. Something was off. I waved my left hand. MY reflection me raised his right. I reached out to touch the mirror. I felt skin. I jumped back in surprise.
The fake me revealed perfect white teeth in a kind of smile. It was a smile of “I know something about you that you don’t even know about you”.
‘Hi.” my voice boomed, and I realized how quiet the fake me was.
“Fancy meeting you here. Sorry about your friend. I see he took a bit of a tumble.”
The fake me’s voice was soft, and silky. LIke a whisper. A whisper of death.
The fake t same’s facial expression changed. Like the face of a child told he was going to the candy store.
“Let’s do something fun!” THe fake me snapped his fingers, and the seen around me changed. What was once a room with a single lightbulb, and a cliff was now a completely white room with a chair in the center. A chair with a girl tied to it. The girl was beautiful, granted, but also bedraggled. Her hair was matted to her face, glued to her skull by dried blood. She was faintly breathing, in short rasp of air. I ran over to help her, but an invisible wall stopped me.
“What are you doing?” fake me looked confused.
“I am trying to help her! What are you doing!” I tried again, but was flung back by an invisible wall.
“Why? In the real world you wouldn’t help her. You would let her suffer.”
“No I wouldn’t. I would help her.” I was beginning to get frustrated with myself. I mean, fake me.
“You lie. In the real world, you would enjoy this.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I am you. I know everything you know. I am your subconscious. I control every dream you have ever had. I know what you really want. And I know that you would enjoy her suffering. I know that you enjoy love you see anyone like this.”
“Well maybe I do. But that doesn’t mean I have to let it happen!”
I ran towards the girl again, and this time I got farther than before. The fake me frowned.
“I control this area. You can’t save her without me.”
“Well, I can try!” I said running again. I got close enough to grab the chair, but I missed. I got up, and leaped. I grabbed the chair. This time, the force pulling me back took the girl and the chair with it. When we landed, I picked up the girl and untied her. I looked around the room and saw a door I hadn’t noticed before. I uttered one word.


We sprinted towards the door. The fake me reached out, and I landed on the hard floor. I got up and pushed forwards again, and this time, I made it. I had escaped from evil. I had escaped from suffering, and anger. I was new. I was changed. I had escaped from me.

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