Mr.Grinlen | Teen Ink


May 25, 2016
By Anonymous

"OH NO! NOT THAT!" my friend said sarcastically while I was trying to tell her why I didn't like the dark, its pretty stupid for a 16 almost 17 year old guy to be afraid of the dark but..i can't help it. I mean yeah I can..but...whenever I'm alone in the dark...I just remember what happened...I still sleep with a night light on.... "you seriously have to get over that, it was just your imagination, jack."

"no it wasn't!" I yelled she looked at me "you didn't have to shout." I crossed my arms "well you don't have to tell me that the thing I saw was fake"

"Uh, yeah it is...How old were you?...5?"

"6" she rolled her eyes "whatever, you were a kid, kids have wild imaginations,"

"but this was REAL! I swear!"


"that thing is real! and it likes the dark! I'm just trying to tell you why I'm afraid, and why I DO NOT, want to go to that haunted house with you guys...just..please Alison, leave me alone about my fear, its not hurting anyone." She sighed

"jack..when was the last time you went over someone's house and spent the night?"

I thought for a moment "when I was 5..." she stared at me "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

"no one had a bright night light..." I mumbled. "jack! Whats wrong with you?! You know what, your spending the night at my house."

"um...I don't think that's a good idea..."

"why not?"

"I'm a guy..your a girl.....I don't think your mom would allow that.."

              "my mom wont care if it's you, plus she knows we've been friends since second grade." I stared at her, "I still don't think that that's a great idea.." Alison stared at me and sighed "whatever jack. Ive got to go, see ya!..oh and theirs supposed to be a bad thunderstorm tonight." I stared at her "W-WHAT?!" she was already almost a block away, I ran up to her and grabbed her arm "W-WAIT! I-ITS NOT CLOUDY OR ANYTHING! TH-THIS IS JUST A JOKE RIGHT?! Y-YOUR JOKING RIGHT?!" she didn't answer "tell me your joking.....please..." she laughed "I'm just kidding."  I let out a sigh of relief, "oh thank god.."

              She laughed and started to walk away and then added "just be prepared." My eyes widened and I stood there for awhile...w-what does she mean?

               I went back to my house and went to my room, sat down at the desk and decided to do my homework, I looked around in my bag and couldn't find anything "wheres my homework?..." I  mumbled to myself, "oh yeah..its homework..." I sighed and sat in my room staring at the ceiling. I went downstairs and went to call Alison. I picked up the phone and was about to dial her number when I heard a noise in the bathroom....i looked over and saw the door creaking open, I jumped and turned on the light to the living room and then ran through the house turning on ALL the lights.. I sat in a corner, "i-it cant get me if the lights are long as the lights are can't get me" I kept mumbling to myself, it cant get me, it cant get me... I stared at door and noticed a very bright yellow orb. It was the only thing I could see in the darkness. I stared at it and thought that I must have turned the light on vanished for a split second...Almost like something was blinking....i stared at it and then saw a part of a very wide smile...ITS THAT THING! I KNEW IT WAS HERE! I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! ITS COMING TO GET ME! ITS GONNA GET ME! ITS GONNA GET ME!..."no"...I said. " can't get me if the lights are on..." I kept mumbling that to myself, and staring at the thing, after a while it started to get dark out and I saw a very light flash and then. BOOM! I screamed and looked out the, no no, NO! h-how can it be raining?! How can there be a storm!... I looked back at the bathroom door and noticed that it was opened a bit wider.... After a few seconds though...the power went out. It was quiet for a moment but then. The door swung wide open and the thing lunged at me, I screamed and ran into my room. I had candles in there and lit all of them, my room was dimly bright. "it..its going to be ok right? I mean as long as there's some light. It can't get me right?" the door swung open and the thing stood there, I ran into a corner, it smiled and I could see it bright razor sharp teeth, "you're wrong my friend..." I started shaking, I don't want to die! I don't want to die! "P-please! L-LEAVE ME ALONE! I-I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO HURT YOU!" the thing laughed, "no...I suppose you didn't but...I never waste a good meal and the fact that you could hide this makes me very hungry...your mother and father were very bitter...and I wanted something sweet..." I tried to back away even more into the corner. It started to make its way toward me and I looked at a candle next to me...light can make it go away...light makes it go away...I looked at the other candles...I looked at it and it was coming closer, I don't even know how, that THING, can even stand its literally as skinny as a stick and I can't even believe it was that skinny when it ate my parents.... I looked at the candles again. And back at the thing. I grabbed one of the candles at threw it at it. It screeched loudly as the flames burnt it. It glared at me, pure hatred in its gaze. I grabbed some more candles at threw them at it, and while it was screaming I ran past it downstairs, I grabbed some gasoline and ran back up the stairs, this thing has terrorized me for, far to long and I'm,  gonna put an end to it! I dumped the gasoline in my room and lit a match. It heard the match and screeched as I let it fall to the ground, I ran down the stares as the match lit the gas, the thing was trapped behind the flames, I ran to the door and tried to open it, but.. the thing grabbed me, I tried to kick at it but it stabbed one of its long pointy fingers through my stomach, I fell down in pain. The thing started to repeatedly stab me and rip me apart.

                "gosh whats taking him so long? He was supposed to run out screaming by now" Alison was out side jacks house, she got some of her other friends to help her pull the prank. They got the fake sounds for thunder and lightning and flashed a bright light by the window every now and then and to make it darker Alison turned off the power to the house. After a few minutes though they heard a loud explosion and saw flames "OH MY GOSH!" one of Alison's friends screamed, Alison stared at the flames shocked. "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?! Andy!" Andy looked at her, "I'm on it!" Andy dialed 911 and Alison stared at the house scared. The fire fighters came and in a few minutes put out the flames, Alison stayed by the trucks with her friends staring at the house, the police walked in and soon came out with a body on a was covered with a black bag.. "oh my gosh...." Alison started to cry "this is all my fault...." Andy went over to her "no its not..h-he over reacted..." Alison looked at him "YEAH BECAUSE OF SOMETHING I DID! I should of known better, I've known him for a long time but...I didn't expect him to do this...."

              After a few months of questions and stuff from the police Alison was allowed to be left alone, she came home after school crying, her mother walked over to her, "honey, are you ok? Do you want to see a counselor?" Alison shook her head "n-no mom I'm fine...its just hard..we were friends for a very long time...." Her mother sighed, "I know sweaty have to get over it.." Alison stared at her mom "yeah..your right.." she sighed and went up to her room and did her homework, after a while it got dark so she went to bed. She turned off the lights and as she was getting into bed she noticed her closet door open, she sighed and went to close it, as she got closer she saw a bright yellow orb that looked like large eyes, she got closer she heard something say "hello there my friend" she backed away shaking a bit and the door flung open, the last thing that was heard was her scream.

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