A Meeting With Death | Teen Ink

A Meeting With Death

May 13, 2016
By hcastane7337 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
hcastane7337 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He had driven his grandfather’s truck into town earlier that morning to get groceries amongst other things for his grandfather. His grandfather lived in a house a few miles outside of town. The town was not to big it was small enough that everyone knew each other, nothing strange ever happened in the small town. 

As he was buying the last of the groceries his grandfather needed, he noticed someone following him. At first he disregarded the person and tried to see if there was someone actually someone following him. After trying to shake the person he began to worry. He decided to act normal and finish shopping. While at the cashier he noticed the person standing nearby looking directly at him. He hopelessly tried to make out a face, but the person had a hood that covering their face. The cashier noticed he was trying to figure out that was, the cashier could not figure out who that was either. This was strange as she knew everybody in town. She advised him to look out and head back to his grandpa's house as soon as possible. He headed outside with the person close behind trying to catch his attention. He decided to confront his follower, he stopped and demanded the person to tell him what it was that he wanted from him. The person stopped and revealed his face. The boy stood in horror as he realized who it was that had been following him all day. He took of dropping everything in his hands. His follower close behind, as if he had something important to tell him.

He drove back as fast as his grandfather’s old truck would go. On his way to his grandfather's his follower had not followed. As soon as he got home he ran inside and shut every window and every door. His grandfather confused asked what was going on. But his grandson was too busy trying to find boards so he could board up the windows. His grandfather couldn’t figure out what was going on so he threw a book at his grandson to get his attention. His grandson was terrified and stopped everything he was doing.

Once his grandson had calmed down and could speak, his grandfather asked him what had happened. His grandson trembling recounted the events from earlier that day. His grandfather went into deep thought, after a few minutes he let out a deep sigh. He told his grandson what he had been thinking about. He told him that he might be able to cheat death if he hid in the city. His reasoning being that there was so many people in the city that he would not be found amongst them by his follower.

His grandson took the old truck again and drove of towards the city, hopping that his grandfather’s plan would work. He had left his grandfather’s house house an hour before eight. The city was a half hour drive from the house. He drove again as fast as the truck would go.

Meanwhile his grandfather decided to go into town and so he could confront his grandsons follower. He decided to walk into town, since his grandson had taken his only car. It would take him a while to get there. On his way there he had a horrible feeling about his grandson. He hurried and made his way to town. He managed to spot someone headed for town and got a ride into town.

His grandson had made it into town and was driving around the city looking for a spot full of people to hide in. He was having no luck, that is until he decided to just drive around the city that way he would not be cornered if his follower decided to show up. This way he could drive away from his follower. Everything was going well, than he spotted his follower.

Earlier back in town his grandfather spotted the person who his grandson had described. He decided to trail her for a while to see what she would do. He followed her as she pointlessly wandered through town. Than he could no longer see her that's when he realized that she was now following him. She caught up to him and his grandfather asked why she had been following his grandson earlier that day. She told him that first he would have to answer her question first. She asked, where his grandson was right now? He replied with a smile on his face and said that she would never find his grandson where he was now, in the city. She than laughed and revealed her face, and said I followed your grandson so that I could tell him to meet me in the city at exactly eight o'clock. The time then was eight fifty nine. She than disappeared Not before telling him that she would soon meet him to.  

The time was a minute till eight. His grandson had seen his follower and had gotten of the truck and ran into a crowd in an attempt to lose her. He tried to lose her and ran into an alley, she was nowhere to be found. He thought he had succeeded and had cheated her. Than in wide eyed horror he realized she had appeared in front of him and revealed her face, the face of death. She said “You can never cheat death.”

His grandfather had realized what he had caused his grandsons death. He was defeated and started to head home. This time no one was going in or out of town, so he just walked all the way back home. Once he was home and looked around at all the pictures of his grandson. He recounted all the memories they had and all of it was too much. He remembered what death had told him, that soon they would meet. He began to think of a way to cheat her but he than gave up remembering what had happened to his grandson. So he sat down and picked up a picture of his grandson and waited for her. But she never showed and he lived the rest of his life awaiting death that never came.

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