Black Shadow | Teen Ink

Black Shadow

May 12, 2016
By Music_Forever BRONZE, New Holland, Ohio
Music_Forever BRONZE, New Holland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark and stormy night, Kevin was walking down the road. He felt like he didn’t belong. He felt like everyone hated him. He didn’t know why. Kevin was one of the nicest, kindest, and quietest person  anyone could meet. He makes a lot  of mistakes, but they aren’t the big kind. He lies sometimes, but to save people’s feelings. When Kevin was walking in the storm, he started crying. It’s what he does when it rains or storms because no one can tell the difference between the tears and rain. Kevin has always been the kind to never really fit in. During school in gym, Kevin is always picked last and the people usually fight over who has to have him. In the storm, Kevin sat on a bench near a park. After a couple of hours of sitting in the rain, Kevin started walking home. Kevin barely got down the street when four guys came out from behind of an abandon building. Kevin knew these guys from school. They were always picking on him and bullying him. Sometimes they would lock him in the janitor closet and never let him out.
“What’s up,loser,” said one of the guys. Kevin just stared at him, not saying anything.“Hey he asked you a question!” yelled another and then pushed Kevin.
“ I’m sorry, but I have to get home,” said Kevin
“We just want to talk,” said the guy in charge.
“Well I don’t want to.”
“That’s too bad it was gonna be a serious conversation, but since you won’t talk I guess we have to do things the hard way. Jon get him.” The guy, whose name was Jon, ran straight towards Kevin and knocked him on the ground. Kevin managed to get up quickly but Jon and another guy captured Kevin. The guy who told Jon to get Kevin started walking up to him. “ You know you don’t need to do this, being mean won’t make you any better than what you are now,” said Kevin.
“It may not, but it sure makes me feel better,” said the guy. Then he punched Kevin in the gut. Kevin spit in the guy's face. The guy punched Kevin in the stomach again. “You think you’re brave, spitting in my face? As if someone actually cared for you, you’re actually something? You think someone actually cares, as if  someone would care if you were hurt or injured or even worse dead?” said the guy with sarcasm.
“To be honest, I don’t care if people care whether or not I’m injured or dead. I don’t need you guys to bully me everyday to show me I’m worthless and a nobody. I know I don’t fit in. I could careless on whether or not I died. I’ll just be one less useless person on this stupid Earth. You guy’s are just wasting your time,” said Kevin with sadness in his voice.
“If we are wasting then I guess we better make a better use of our time and we’ll show you the real reason why we are here,” said the guy with a smile. He started punching Kevin really hard in the face. Kevin dropped to the ground and all the guys started to kick him. The leader  jumped on Kevin started to punch him repeatedly. Jon and the other guys started to notice that their leader wouldn’t stopped punching Kevin. It took Jon and the others five tries to get the leader off of Kevin.
“Let’s go, Chad,” screamed Jon.
“I think he’s dead!” cried one of the guys.
“We need to go,” said Chad with harshness in his voice. They ran off, leaving Kevin on the ground. Kevin tried to get up but he couldn’t. His body ached, he tried to move, but every time he did it felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing him. Every time he would breathe, his chest felt there was a tractor crushing him.  Kevin just laid there. He knew he would have to get up and go home, but right now he was in too much pain to move. He just stared up at the sky as the rain softly hit his face. After a couple of hours, Kevin started to try and get up. He managed to get up, but his body was still in a lot of pain. He started to slowly walk home. That’s when he realized someone was watching him outside. He was shocked so he looked away, but when he went to look back the person was gone. He didn’t understand what was going on but he was gonna try and find out.

The author's comments:

This is the part of a book that I'm writing. 

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