Gone In A Snap | Teen Ink

Gone In A Snap

May 6, 2016
By _happy101_ BRONZE, Evart, Michigan
_happy101_ BRONZE, Evart, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I heard a noise come from outside the tent. I sat up quickly and tried to wake Hanna up, but she didn’t wake up. I just sat that there for five minutes waiting to see if the noise came back, I heard nothing after the first one. I laid back down, when I finally got to sleep I heard a much louder scream, but it wasn't Hanna’s. I thought to myself maybe it could be Allison. I was getting ready to open the door when the scream came again. That scream had awaken Hanna, she sat up quickly and looked at me with fear in her eyes.
Hanna was going to say something but I quietly shushed her. I pointed to the flashlights and then the door of the tent. She got the flashlights and I opened the door then we went out of the door. As I was getting out of the door another scream came again. I quickly ran to Allison’s and Alex’s tent. I opened their door slowly and carefully, when I opened the door Alex was in there sleeping. Alex was the only one in the tent, Allison was gone. Hanna woke up Alex, he got up quickly when he noticed Allison was not with us.
We were telling him what happened, as we were talking another scream came. All three of us jumped out of the tent and looked around. That scream was like someone was running for their lives. We ran to the car and locked the doors. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911, after dialing the number I hit call. It rang a few times, when they finally answered, I had let a breath out that I didn’t know I was holding.
“Hello, what is your emergency?” The operator said.
“ My friend is missing!” I said.
“Can you tell me what your name and location?” The operator said.
“My name is Jane and we are at the campground just outside of town.” I said.
“ Okay Jane, when did you notice your friend was missing?”.
“When I heard a scream come from the direction of her tent before I checked up on her.” I said.
“We are sending a couple officers out there.” The operator said.
AHHHH! I scream when a someone hit the hood of my car. I dropped my phone on to the floor and made sure the doors were locked. I grabbed Alex’s hand and Hanna grabbed ours. I tried starting the car but it would not start. I told Alex to grab the gun out of the glove box just in case. The person started walking towards my side of the car, Alex slid the gun into my hand. The person tried to open the door but couldn’t get the door open. When the person had his back to us, I opened the door slowly and steadied the gun. I shot twice, the first one missed and the second got the person in the shoulder. After it hit the person, he fell to the ground.  I got back in the car and locked it once again.
“He’s getting up Jane!” Alex said
I hotwired the car, as the person was getting up off the ground. We went back to the tents to get as much of our stuff as we can. We threw our stuff in the trunk. We got in the car, I was paying close attention to notice that Alex was gone. I saw a shadow in the rearview mirror. I sped off quickly, driving nowhere in particular. After driving for hours, the car stopped moving. All Jane had to do was re hotwire the car, and that what she did.
After driving for another 45 minutes, Jane and Hanna were in the middle of nowhere when the car broke down again. As the car slowed to a stop, Jane started to panic.  Hanna tried to call for help, but she had no cell service.
“Hanna, grab my inhaler from the glove box, please?” Jane said in a hurry.
After Jane had her inhaler, she calmed down a little bit. After Jane took a few breaths, Hanna tried to call for help again, but then failed again. When Hanna couldn't get anyone on the phone, Jane got out of the car, and went to look under the hood of the car. Soon after Jane got out of the car, Hanna followed her.
“What are you doing Jane?” Hanna exclaimed
“I’m seeing what’s wrong with the car.” Jane explained to Hanna
Even though they had looked around under the hood, they didn’t find the problem. Jane was getting ready to put the hood down when she heard a scream come from the trees.
“Help! Someone help me! Please?” The scream said
Jane ran to the driver side of the car. As Jane was getting in the car she noticed Hanna wasn’t in the car. When Jane heard the scream again she started to panic.
“Jane! Please come help me!”
As soon as Jane heard her name, she started to run towards where the scream came from. “AHHH!”, this scream was just a scream like someone was running for their life. Jane kept running until she tripped on a fallen tree branch. “OWW!” Jane tried to get up, but she couldn’t so she tried again, but couldn’t get up. She realized there was a tree branch on her leg. After Allison got the tree branch off her leg, she got up and saw nothing around her except trees.
She grabbed her phone and she realized she had cell service. She tried to call 911 for help, after a few rings the other end of the phone answered.
“Hello, what’s your emergency?” The operator said.
“Please, help me! My friend is….” The line went dead,
After the line went dead, Jane started to cry. After minutes of crying, she heard another scream, but that time is was a totally different scream. Jane wanted to run towards the scream, but she quick decided to run back to the car. After getting in the car, she locked the doors. When she locked the doors she tried to start the car and this time it started. Jane debated whether or not to go find Hanna or go find some help. Jane decided to go find some help.
After Jane drove for 30 minutes, she finally came across a house. She pulled up into the driveway and parked the car. She got out of the car and walked up to the door, then knocked on it, after knocking a few times she noticed that the door was slightly open. She pushed the door open and yelled into the house.
“Hello, is anyone in there?” Jane yelled.
Nobody answered so she walked in, and she tried to find a phone. After searching for a phone she finally found one, Jane dialed 911 again. After a few rings they finally answered.
“911, What’s your emergency?” The operator said.
“My friend is missing will you help me please?” Jane said.
“Can you tell me your name sweetie?” The lady operator asked.
“My name is Jane.” She said
“Alright, Jane. Can you tell me where you are?” The operator asked.
“I don't know where I am, my car broke down, but then it restarted so I drove around to find a house.” Jane said
“Okay, can you describe the surroundings around the house?” The lady operator said
“It’s just trees everywhere.” Jane said
“We are tracking this number, so stay on the line for 40 more seconds.” The operator said
Jane stayed on the line, until some guy came around the corner, Jane screamed and dropped the phone. She did run but didn’t get too far, the guy caught up with her. The guy grabbed her, and took her back into the house. He took Jane through some doors and threw her down some stairs. The police had came just as the guy has came up the stairs.

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