Expect the Unexpected | Teen Ink

Expect the Unexpected

April 19, 2016
By Anonymous

Janet and Tom Johnson lived together in a large home in San Diego, California. Janet and Tom had three kids- John, Julia, and James. All children were very close in age- Julia,15, Sam, 13, and Corey, 11. They lived in a rather large home on five acres of land. Janet and Tom lived a simple and normal life. Tom worked in the city for a firm and Janet had retired when her first child Julia was born, but to keep herself occupied while the kids were at school, she was a part time teacher's assistant at a nearby elementary school. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson both attended Yale University and met their sophomore year. Janet was a normal looking mother with shoulder length dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, long legs, and a thin body image. Her husband was a tall, strong, green eyed, and handsome man. Ever since their paths crossed their sophomore year at Yale, they have been deep in love. Three months after graduation, Tom proposed to Janet at a nearby beach and they were quickly married and had one child on its way. They moved to a beautiful house in California. You would think that Brad Pitt or a famous actor/actress would live in it it was so beautiful. It had an offset cream color to it, with white window frames, and beautiful pink flowers under each window. There was a large balcony on the second floor that had green ivy twirling around the frame. On the first floor there was a spacious porch that held a hammock and sitting chairs. Inside, were six bedrooms and nine baths. The rooms were elegantly  
One chilly day in March, while Tom was at work, Janet stepped outside and on the stairs in the front of her house she saw a piece of paper. It was a note that read, “I’m always watching you.” She thought it was just a young kid playing jokes on her so she crumbled it up and threw it in the garbage can by the door- never mentioning a word about it to Tom. For the next week, mysterious and threatening letters were being left on the Johnson’s porch. The kids, plus Tom began finding them as well and fear filled them. The line was drawn when Janet opened the front door and found a dead cat in a bag. Tom then realized it was time to inform the cops.
When the cops came to the Johnson household, they didn’t have much to work with. Officer Han questioned each member of the family. He first started with the children. He sat all three down and asked, “Are any of you being bullied in school? Do you have any friends that don’t like you?” All three children answered no. Officer Han then asked the children to leave the room. He walked over to Janet and Tom and asked if there were any friends, family, workers, or anyone person that  had any recent disputes with or if they knew anyone that would be targeting their family. The cops, with little evidence, couldn’t do anything. They told the Johnsons to keep everything locked and to keep them posted about anything else suspicious.
One day Janet came home crying and terrified- telling her husband that a man had approached her while getting out of work, saying that he had seen her somewhere. She described the man as being in his late fifties, grey haired, brown eyes, yellow teeth, and very poorly dressed. Tom  was very angered and became very worried that this was the man targeting his family.
A few weeks went by with nothing suspicious happening. The Johnsons carried on with their life and things went back to normal. They kept up on things that they needed to get done such as life insurance, house mortgage, Easter presents, new clothes, and a bunch of random, ordinary things!
One night, the Johnson family had plans to go to dinner together. Janet took the kids to the restaurant, while Tom  went home to change out of his work clothes quickly. He pulls his car into the garage and for some strange reason, the light bulb in the garage was out. He grabbed a flashlight and walked inside to the nearest light switch and flickered it on. No light came on. He dropped the flashlight and bent over to pick it up and paused at the sound of footsteps. He slowly stood up and across the room he saw a dark figure looking at him. The mysterious figure held out a gun and shot him. Tom tried to make a run for it to the nearest door, but was shot again in the arm. He fell and then managed to get himself back up. In agonizing pain, he got out of the house and ran to the neighbor's house, where a woman helped covered the bullets holes and called 911. Jonathan was rushed into emergency surgery and the Johnson home quickly became an investigation scene.
After surgery, Tom awoke to the sight of police Officer Han staring at him. Officer Han quickly began interrogating him. He asked him a thousand questions. He told Tom that his house was now an investigation scene and that everything in his home was being thoroughly investigated- including the information on his laptops. When he heard this, he was livid and demanded that the cops return his laptop to his home because they weren’t authorized a warrant. Even more suspicious of why Tom didn't want the cops getting a hold of his laptop, Officer Han began to interrogate him even more as though he was accusing Tom of doing something illegal to cause a person to want to kill him. Tomargued and said he hadn’t done anything wrong. Janet then began yelling at Officer Han to stop interrogating him and that he must go so her husband could rest.
Time went by and Tom  had many interrogations due to the fact that the the police felt that Jonathan had done something illegal to deserve an attack. Finally, one day Officer Han called the Johnson residence and Tom answered. They said they he had to get to the station as fast as possible because they had found some breaking news regarding his case. Tom called his wife as soon as he got the call and told her to meet him at the station. Since Janet was visiting a friend thirty minutes from the station, Tom got there fifteen minutes before her. He was guided into a back room where he was acquainted with three lawyers and five cops. When the words, “Your wife is the person who tried to get you murdered” came out of officer Han’s mouth Tom was shocked. He couldn’t believe it. The woman he had known for more than half of his life, whom he loved, tried to murder him. How could it be?
Officer Han then carried on to tell Tom all of the details. Janet had been talking to a man named Joey, who she had met online two years ago. Janet had been having an affair with him and was in contact with him through her home computer. The two had planned to be in together, but Janet told Joey that they needed more money and that Tom must be gone in order to start a new life together. Janet had thought her plan through and that is why she told Tom that the family needed to get life insurance, so that she and Joey could get a large sum of money after Tom was killed. The mysterious notes that were being left on their property and the strange encounter that Janet had had with an older man was all part of her plan to misguide the police- to make her not a suspect.
Janet was charged with second degree murder and Joey with third. Both have up to thirty years in jail. Now, Jonathan and his children can live a life filled without fear.

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