Et manerium de malo | Teen Ink

Et manerium de malo

March 31, 2016
By Anonymous

We walked into the manor, the beautiful 16th century oak doors, opened by a butler, dressed in a black tuxedo.
“greetings sirs, madams” he said in a monotone voice.
We walked into the hall, two large staircases sprawled in front of us, both leading to a large flat promenade, with hallways going off in all directions. We proceeded up the staircase towward the room we had been given when we signed up for this “haunted manor” last September.
“Strange, the waiting list was huge, but there's no one else here…” Josh said.
“Maybe they only do one party at a time?” Sarah replied.
We continued deeper into the manor, passing room after empty room, continually wondering what and why this manor was so empty with so many empty rooms.
After nearly 10 minutes of walking around we found our rooms, one for the boys, one for the girls, both labeled K, what we were told to look for. David and josh took the right room, while Sarah and Beth took the left. When David and josh entered their room they were awestruck, 2 large King beds with solid wood bedposts, a large fireplace and 2 stain glass mosaics for Windows. The girls room was equally as bright and beautiful.
“I can see why this place was so sought after, it's absolutely beautiful
After 20 minutes of waiting, the dimmer bell was rung and the group went back down the stairs to a large dining room, right next to where they had entered. As they entered the dining hall, they saw the feast that awaited them, but there was no one else, just an empty table, which could have easily sat sixty, full of food.
“Is, this all for us?” David asked.
“I suppose so, but what happened to the butler, and who made all of this?” Josh replied.
The group sat down to eat, but as they did they heard a large crashing coming from downstairs. Everyone snot up and sprinted toward the door that lead to the root cellar, Sarah opened the door and as she did, the temperature in the room seemed to drop 20 degrees, she looked back on the rest of the group to see their faces drained of color, and eyes wide, they seemed to be looking past her, down into the root cellar. Sarah turned back around and saw what they were looking at, nothing was physically there, but just looking down into the dark basement caused them to go cold, an overwhelming sense of dread seemed to be radiating out from whatever was down there. After what seemed like an eternity, Sarah finally managed the will to close the door, immediately, the temperature of the hallway seemed to return to normal, and the color returned to their faces.
“That can't have been anything, you know these old manor-type places, they all have the worst drafts, especially in basements.” David said quickly.
The rest of the group nodded in agreement, desperately denying what had just happened.
The encounter with, whatever it was had drained everyone in the group, so instead of going back to the table, with the nearly untouched feast, they opted to just go to bed and wait until breakfast the next morning.
Just like the night before, the group was arisen by a bell, though slightly deeper in tone, they all gathered at the table for their breakfast, and just like the night before, it was perfectly set, and enough food for a king, and yet, not a waiter or butler or chef in sight, in fact they had not seen the butler who let them in since the day they had arrived. Just as before, as they sat down they heard a noise, this time coming from the swinging doors of the kitchen to the back of the dining room, this time only Beth shot up to investigate. When she went through the swinging doors, she walked into a meticulously cleaned kitchen, not a pot or pan out of place, and certainly no source for the crash they had just heard, which seemed to come from just behind the doors.
“Well, that was very very strange” Beth thought to herself “maybe, maybe just the house settling. “
She went back into the dining room to join the rest of the group and enjoy the feast.
“all of the odd noises aside, this place really is beautiful, it must be hundreds of years old”
“Agreed, and whoever here ghost cooks are, they sure are great”
As the minutes passed, and they looked away and started to wander, dishes started to disappear right off the table, occasionally catching the last glimpse of a platter floating back into the kitchen. Before long the whole table was left barren, and reset with a clean white tablecloth.
“That was all very quick and cool, but seriously, what just did that?” Josh asked
“I don’t know but I’m terrified and I think we should leave, back me up on this, beth” Sarah said, quivering “Beth?”
    The group turned around and noticed Beth was no longer there.
    “Beth?!” the entire group shouted, but got no response
“We need to go look for her” Josh shouted out quickly, the rest of the group nodded in response.
They gathered themselves as much as they could and took off in search of their missing friend, terrified.
“well, the root cellar is where we should check first, it’s the only place she wouldn’t hear us and it’s where we felt that, thing” David advised.
The trio gathered at the top of the stairwell, right where they had felt the presence the first time.  David opened the door and the same feeling they had felt the night before swept over them, draining the color from there skin and making them want to turn and run far, far away.  But they had to persist for their friend and they took a step, down to the dark basement.  With each step they took the temperature seemed to drop another 3 degrees, and by the bottom it felt like it was freezing.  When the three finally reached the bottom of the stair what they saw, finally the thing that had been terrorizing them, a large black figure in the shadows, barely humanoid in appearance    with long skinny, needle like fingers, and a menacing, soul tearing smile.  I shrieked and before I knew it, Beth and josh had disappeared and this, thing started coming after me, and just as it was about to jump on me i felt like ice.
My head splashed out of the water, in the hands of the doctors who had yanked it out of the icy tub and dried me off.  They then took me, trembling back to my bunk to meet with my bunk mates Josh, Sarah, and Beth.

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