Monster | Teen Ink


March 28, 2016
By EmilyHyde BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
EmilyHyde BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I know they were behind me, they always were. The monsters have followed me for as long as I can remember. Sometimes I’ll get lucky and they’ll let me sleep, it’s no more than three hours at a time. By the time that I wake up from the short nap they are always right there. They haven’t hurt me yet, it’s come close but I guess I rely on them a lot too. I’m still afraid of them though. I keep running until I can’t hear them anymore. I stop to look at my surroundings. I could see nothing but the black space on the sides of me, until I looked behind me then I saw them. The monsters. They are still far behind me but I could see their reflecting eyes and spectacularly white teeth. The monsters aren’t ugly none of them are. They are beautiful, but not in the generic way. They are dangerously beautiful. They entice you with their looks, drag you in with their perfect jaw line and nice hair then when you get too close they rip your spirit out of your body.

“I heard you were thinking about me?” The voice from behind me dripped with venomous word.
“If that’s what you want to call it.” I turned around, “I should have known it was you.”
I never knew his name, but he was the prettiest of them all. His long hair brushed over his perfectly shaped face. His teeth the brightest shade of white, his eyes the darkest black. I turned my head so I couldn’t look at him.
“Well, I always need to make my daily visits to my favorite person.” His smile was evil just like the others.
“What do you want from me?” I whispered loud enough so he could hear.
“You know what I want.” He kept his smile on his face and put his hand on my chin to move my face to his.
“Can you please just give it to me?”
“Ahh! If only it was that easy my dear.”
“It is that easy please just give it to me!”
“Wow! Is that attitude I sense! It’s been awhile since you’ve been that alive I’m surprised.”
“Well better go.” I started to walk away. Before I could get far he grabbed my arm with clawed hands that sunk into my skin and pulled me back to him.
“I didn’t say you could go!”
“I can go where I please!”
“Not if I have this.” He pulled out a syringe and a tiny rubber string.
I stopped fighting, a slave to my own instincts I reached for the tube only to have it disappear.
“Like I said it’s not that easy.”
“What do you want from me today. I have nothing else to give to you.”
“What about your thoughts? Maybe your attitude? Oh! how about your heart?”
“My heart?”
“Yes. It would make the perfect addition to my collection.”
“Wouldn’t I die?”
“Well yes, you need a heart to live a normal life, but that’s just a minor side effect.”
“That means that all the running would be over?”
“I don’t know what that is, but yes, I suppose so.”
The syringe reappeared. He handed it to me with a cautiousness.
“Don’t you want my heart?”
“That’ll come in a little bit my dear.” His smile grew larger.
He tied the rubber around my arm as I slowly put the needle in the largest vein I pushed on the end of it and my eyes slowly started to fade I felt a pulling on my chest and I fell to the ground.
I heard his voice whisper in my ear, “I’ll see you for round two... In hell.”

The author's comments:

This piece was originally a creative writing assingment but I felt that it was very powerful. It portrays what people will be willing to do for drugs.

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