Trust No One | Teen Ink

Trust No One

March 18, 2016
By Anonymous

Trust No One
“A high school student in Dallas, Texas was reported missing a few weeks ago. Kyle Huse, a sophomore at Riverview High, was last reported seen at Subway in downtown Dallas at 3:00AM on Tuesday, November 21st. Four more Riverview students have been reported missing since then. Ally Mayer, John Benson, Carlie Lyle, and Isaac Farhard, all sophomores as well, were last seen bowling at Spotz Bowling Alley. Police are not sure if the cases are connected but if you have any information as to where any of them might be located, please contact 911 and get them home safely,” the reporter said. Beth, Kyle’s mom, grabbed the remote to turn the television off. With a Kleenex in each hand, Beth wiped the tears from her cheeks and got off the couch. It had been a long three weeks wondering when her 16 year old son would finally show up on her doorstep, at least that’s how she’d hoped they’d find him.
Beth threw away the used Kleenexes and took a deep breath. She had already searched through all of Kyle’s things for any evidence; his car, his room, his school, and his social media accounts, but she didn’t find anything. She realized the one place she forgot to look was his bathroom. On her way upstairs, she stopped in the laundry room to switch the laundry. After seeing a flannel shirt that she did not recognize as her husbands or Kyle’s, she picked it up and examined it, assuming it was one of Kyle’s friends that had stayed the night the weekend before he went missing. She reached in the pocket of the shirt only to discover a note.
Meet me in the alley way behind Subway at 3. We have some business that needs taking care of.        -Kyle
Beth sprinted out of the house before she could even process the information she had just received. Do I bring it to the police? Do I find him myself? Do I tell my husband? So many things ran through Beth’s mind that she could barely concentrate. The next thing she knew, she found herself in the alleyway frantically searching for a door to give her any hope that her son was being held captive with the rest of his peers on the other side. Although she found the door she was looking for, what was on the other side of it was not what she was expecting.
She approached the door and reached her hand out to touch the stinging cold handle. She yanked the door open and entered the dimly lit hallway. She felt goose bumps all over her body as she passed the creepy cells. It looked like it had been previously used as a jail, but Beth wasn’t sure until she passed a cell with a body in it. After getting a closer look at it, she could tell it was a blonde, skinny boy about six feet tall. Since it fit Kyle’s profile, Beth slowly began hyperventilating at the possibility that it was her son lying on the ground of the cell. As she screamed and jumped back, she landed right in Kyle’s arms.
“Oh… Oh my goodness! Kyle!!” she said, almost taking her breath away.
“Hi mom” He replied with a shy smile.
“Bu-bu-but if you’re right here than who is in there?” She asked, pointing to the cell. He shrugged his shoulders and got low to the floor, pulling her down with him.
“How did you find me?” He whispered.
“It’s a long story. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Beth worriedly asked.
“No I’m fine. I escaped from the lab before he got to me. It was bad mom, he was torturing and skinning them and he made me watch it all.” Kyle said crying softly. “We have to be quiet if we want to make it out alive. Follow me.”
He led her up two flights of stairs where he said there was a fire escape ladder they could use to get away.
“Why are we going in a room? We are supposed to be escaping, not hiding!” Beth whispered as Kyle brought her into a storage unit.
“The fire escape is right through there in the back of the closet” He said, pointing to a dark door in the corner of the room. She led herself to the closet and waited for Kyle to catch up to her. As she turned towards the door, she felt a cold, sharp sensation on the left side of her neck.
Beth woke up in one of the cells groggy from being drugged. She had no idea how she got in there or what she was doing there. She reached around for anything within reach of her to defend herself in case she needed to, but she found nothing. When her vision was no longer blurry, she was able to understand the figure standing in front of her. After she processed the details, she realized it was none other than her very own son.
“It’s been me all along, mom. Why do you think I’m the only missing kid alive in this place?” Kyle said, hovering over her.

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