Haunted And Lost | Teen Ink

Haunted And Lost

February 19, 2016
By codysawyer11 BRONZE, Woodland Park, Colorado
codysawyer11 BRONZE, Woodland Park, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hate to bring this story to a book because some say it changes Halloween for the children who hear it. Anyway, my name is James but my friends call me "The Spook" which honestly I don't know why. Halloween has not been the same since I was 11 and I refuse to trick or treat. All my friends think I'm crazy for not going to get free candy. That leads me to my point of writing this book.

It was around 8:30 pm when me and my friend Caleb left to go trick or treating.  Myself, dressed as a zombie and he was the grim reaper as usual. Throughout the night, we went door to door collecting candy not expecting anything bad. In fact, we even ran into Kathleen which she told us that if we go to my neighborhood we could get full candy bars. Right away we had rushed through Caleb's Neighborhood like a cheetah hunting for food. Making us finish up around 9:00 pm and start on our way to my neighborhood.

  It being a couple miles, the long walk wasn't that bad because we shared childhood stories. Though, the only bad part was that our bags were full of candy making them like 20 pounds.  Caleb happened to come out and say "How about we put these bags in them bushes over there and try out this haunted house?".  Thinking that was a great idea so I blurted out "Sure!".  Yup, that's one word I will regret saying for the rest of my life. The Haunted House ended up being owned by the creepy clown guy which makes Halloween stories every year.

  There we went, entering the haunted house with confidence higher than the great mountains of Colorado.  One thing I noticed is that there was no visible exit when entering which lingered in my mind for a bit. This haunted house was dark with purple lights shining through the fog with halls about as tall as me. Nothing was really that scary about it other than the dark, it was just a dark maze. But, walked and walked like there was no end to the meaningless maze. 20 minutes in Caleb ran into a sign that said "There is no turning back" his face looked like a lost puppy, worried and scared. Out of blackness sparked the moment of panic and we ran in circles looking for a sign of exit... Since there was nothing other than blank, black, and thin walls, the fog pulled our hope to the ground.

  After the meaningless panic, I looked around to get my head together. Finding out I was alone in darkness with no sound. So there I stood still eyeballing the evil darkness of silence while the sound of my heartbeat echoed through the halls. Looking down at the purple light that made my feet visible and started now realizing that this might be the last time I see Caleb or Caleb may see me. I sat down covering the purple light and waited like something would just appear and take me to the exit. That never happened, I was left alone with darkness and fog.

  My heart fell to peace and I was finally able to think.  Whispering to myself " This wont be my last" repeatedly, raised those hopes back up. At this moment I realized that these walls can't hold me back. Expecting nothing I ran at the wall and it moved like it had no support or maybe it was cardboard.  Once again, I ran at the opposite wall but, this time It ripped open. My body had fell through and all I could see was whiteness. There I found myself in a place that seemed different, new, and peaceful.

The author's comments:

This little story popped up in my mind one afternoon after watching a horror movie. So I thought it would be a good narrative for my English class.

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