pay back | Teen Ink

pay back

January 12, 2016
By Anonymous

Childhood friends Maira and Sam, have been best friends since middle school. Now that Sam and Maira are in college they have totally different interests. Maira study acting, singing, and dancing and on the other hand Sam, she chose to study the art of voodoo.  “Pretty odd interest for two friends that have plans to start a business together.” With only two weeks of school left, a stunning young man named Brandon walks into the classroom. His smooth charmed ways caught the attention of all the girls in the class. Brandon took a seat next to Maira, her face became flushed and her mouth became speechless. Sam on the other hand was more than willing to hold a conversation. Although Sam knew Maira had a crush on Brandon, she asked him out on a date. Brandon really had eyes for Maira even though he felt that she was one tough cookie. Brandon and Sam became close and after a week later they started to date.Maira felt like her and Sam friendship is falling apart. Brandon was walking to class and spotted Maira sitting on a bench along so he went over to talked to her and asked for her number as a friend. Maira and Brandon have gotten close, closer than just friends so he broke up with Sam and started talking to Maira and getting to know her on a different level. Sam didn’t know why they broke up but she promised when she found out why if it had anything to do with another girl she would curse them for the rest of their lives. Maira and Sam set up a date to hang out since they haven’t seen each other in a while. Sam was all up for it but Maira wasn’t at all. Maira and Sam was at a local pizza place for their date and Maira nervous because her and Brandon are close to dating and Sam don’t know and she don’t want her to know at least not now! Sam and Maira are at the table catching up when Brandon walks in the door Sam got up and walked over to him while Maira sat their looking nervous. Sam and Brandon walk back to the table Sam sat back in the booth across from Maira and scooped over for Brandon to sit but he sat next to Maira Sam didn’t think nothing of it so she ask Brandon how did he know that they were here and he told her Maira told him and he had to come ask Maira a question. Maira asked what was the question, then Brandon phone ranged and he answered and said yes bring it in. Then Brandon got up and his friends come in holding a poster, flowers and a life size bear.
Brandon asked his friend to open the poster and they did. The poster said will you go out with me Maira, Sam was shocked she didn’t have no words to say, she just wanted to kill Maira. Brandon said so what’s your answer and Maira said yes forgetting that Sam was still there. Sam stormed out the pizza parlor Maira ran behind her saying sorry but Sam just got in her car and drove away. Maira said bye to Brandon and drove home and called Sam but Sam didn’t answer, Sam was too busy at home trying to find a curse that will ruin her life. After hours of searching Sam finally found the right curse that said you can never love again but Sam was going to switch it up to you can never say I love you then kiss or your boyfriend will die. Sam got her voodoo stick and candles and started chanting, a few hours later the curse was done and nothing could change it. Maira called Sam one more time before calling Brandon to come over, Sam didn’t answer so she called Brandon to come over she want to tell him how she feels even tho they just started going together she really love him, she loved him since she first seen him. Brandon got called into work and couldn’t make it to Maira’s house so he said he would talk to her tomorrow in school. The next morning Maira got a text from Brandon telling her to meet him in front of the business classroom and she texted back and said ok with that being said she left. When she got to school she started heading towards the classroom then Sam spotted her and started following her without her knowing. Maira got to Brandon and straight up said I love you, I loved you ever since I first seen you. Brandon was shocked but then said I love you too and they kissed, Sam watched from a distance and laugh to herself saying Brandon you will be die tomorrow. Brandon and Maira went to class but left a few minutes later because Brandon said he was feeling sick. Brandon and Maira went to his house, she told him to lay down while she made him some soup. After making the soup and giving it to him she said she was going to go home and come back tomorrow, after she left him heart started pounding like it was going to pop out his chest, he started throwing up blood and blood was coming from his chest but he didn’t know how that was happening if he didn’t have any cuts than cuts appeared on his legs, face, and chest the cuts was blooding more than normal  then all of a sudden he was laying on the floor with his heart popped out and his brain everywhere.                  The next day Maira came to Brandon house to find him dead all she could do was cry and call the police. After handling everything with the police Maira went to school and spotted Sam and went up to her crying tell her about Brandon Sam just laughs and say I know that’s what voodoo do. Maira asked why Sam said because you supposed to be my best friend but you got with my ex all Maira did was slap her and told her to come to her house after school. Maira head was on killer all day, she left school early because she couldn’t think right. After school Sam texted Maira telling her she on her way. Maria started think about what she gone do but then she got another text from Sam saying she is around the corner. Maira quickly started to think she went in the kitchen and grabbed a knife wait by the door for Sam to knock. Sam knocked and Maira answered pulling her in and pushing her on the floor stabbing her then she went to go get her axe and started cutting Sam body into pieces .when she was done she had to think of a way this wouldn’t get back to her but she can’t think she was too wrapped around what she just did. Maira was going crazy throwing things crying cutting and pulling her hair she was losing it so she decide to kill herself she started cutting herself than she went to go get a chain saw and sat it on the table while she cut her tongue into two half’s then off . She grabbed the chain saw and sawed her feet, then thigh off while crying. It was painful but she was ready to end it all.Maira calmed down a little before going back to work she sawed on of her arms off and it was like a blood shower. She then sat up and cut herself into two half’s the fall back and got stabbed in the head with the knife that was on the floor. Just like that she ended her life

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