Gifts | Teen Ink


January 5, 2016
By Anonymous

“I’m so glad that we met.”
“I am too. I’m so sorry for everything I put you through. I love you.
“I love you too…”
It was a bitter Friday morning and snow had just begun to fall. The air was as cold as ice and my day stated off with a hot, delicious cup of coffee. My husband Joel and I had just moved into our brand new house on Paris Street in Cranston, Rhode Island. We were madly in love but of course our honeymoon was spend unpacking and working. I threw on my black sweater, slightly ripped jeans, put my blonde hair into a bun, put my contacts into my blue eyes and headed off to work at the office. Midway through the day, Joel called me and told me he was leaving for a business trip in Boston and he would be home tomorrow. I was somewhat relieved because I knew I could just unpack and relax when I got home.
When I got home from work, my mother was waiting for me at the door. Today was her birthday and I wanted to give her a nice gift since she was getting older.
“Hey mom,” I said as I quickly reached into my brown purse to grab the house keys.
“Hello Sarah, I hope you didn’t get me something too expensive for my birthday sweetie. You know as I get older I don’t need much to be happy,” My mom said as we entered the house and sat down at the kitchen table.
“Well, here’s my present,” I declared as I reached across the table to grab the silver wrapped present. As she opened the present I heard a knock at the door. It took me a minute to get up but as soon as I opened the door I saw a small box on the ground. No one was there to give it to me though. There was only a few footprints in the snow leading into the road.
“Who is at the door Sarah,” yelled my mother.
“Oh I’m not sure, I think it was the delivery man. He left a small present at the door,” I said on the way back to the table.
“Wow, it’s my birthday yet you’re the one getting presents,” My mom said sarcastically.
“It’s okay though because I absolutely love this scarf Sarah thank you so much. I love you,” She said.
“Anytime. Love you too. Now let’s open my gift,” I announced laughingly. I wonder who it’s from I thought. My first thought was that it was from Joel as a house warming gift.
“Look mom it’s pretty yellow flowers. Joel is so sweet,” I said as I inhaled their beautiful sent.
Later that night, I called Joel to thank him for the gift that he gave me while he was away. The funny thing was, he said it wasn’t from him. Maybe it was the neighbors I thought. I had no clue what was going on but all I knew was that it was a nice gift. I wasn’t the type to overthink things like that. I went to bed confused and somewhat nervous wondering who it could’ve been.
I woke up the next morning to a sunshine filled room. Even though I was probably going to be late for work, I took a nice, steamy and hot shower before heading out the door. I got into my car and I was shocked when I saw a gift sitting on the roof of my car. Not again I though. Is Joel messing with me? I was more confused then than I had ever been in my life.
I opened the gift very slowly. I was nervous to see what it was. It was a picture of me from when I was just a teenager and a pair of earrings. I knew that these couldn’t have been from my husband. Underneath the gifts there was a note. I was so anxious that I could feel sweat dripping down my face. The note said, “Meet me tonight at seven o’clock in the park down the street. I am not going to hurt you but please come alone I need to meet you. It’s been too long without you,” I couldn’t breathe. I could feel my lungs begging for oxygen. I was so nervous, confused, and angry at the same time. This must be a joke I thought to myself, but what if it’s not? What if it’s… no it can’t be.
That same night around five o’clock Joel came home and I welcomed him with a warm embrace. I was so glad to see him and tell him all about the strange gifts that I was receiving and ask him about what he thinks that I should do.
“I’m so glad to see you! I’ve been getting these strange gifts from someone anonymous and they left me a note to meet them tonight at the park. Do you think that I should go,” I directed to Joel as we took a seat next to each other on the couch. 
“That’s strange. No don’t meet up with this person it could be some kind of killer for all you know,” He said. I was starting to get the feeling that he was angry at me.
“Well, I think I should find out who it is or I’ll never find out,” I said back to him
“If you dare to do that I will never forgive you. Don’t put your life in danger like that Sarah its bad news,” He yelled to me.
“You can be mad at me all you want, but I’m going to find out who this is no matter what. I’m sorry,” I stated as I walked out the door making sure that it slammed hard enough for the whole neighborhood to hear it.
The clocked struck six fifty eight and I was just pulling up to the park. I could hear my heart beating through my chest as I saw a man around the age of twenty sitting under the lamppost on a bench. He was holding a picture. Could it be the same one he had sent me? As I approached him I heard him say “hello mom.” I was frozen in my tracks.
When I was about sixteen I had given up a child because I wasn’t ready for the commitment of being a mother. I had never told anyone about it because of the shame that I had felt. I was in total shock and at a loss for words.
“How did you find me? What is your name,” I asked him.
“I was searching and searching online until I came across a picture of you and this man from your social networking. My name is James and I’m glad I can finally get to meet you. I know this is weird and out of the blue but I would really love to be a part of your life,” He said to me with a smile stretched out across his face.
“Of course I would. Wow, this is so amazing. I’m sorry for never coming for you but I never forgot about you once. Why don’t you come back to my place and meet my husband,” I said as we walked up to my car.
“I’d be honored too,” He said. 
When I got home I told my husband about the child I had when I was younger and how he was in the car waiting to meet him. I explained to Joel that he didn’t have to meet him if he wasn’t comfortable but he wanted to get to know him because he was a part of me.
“Hello sir it’s great to meet you,” Said James
“You too, this is truly a surprise. My wife and I are really happy that we can get to know you. This really is him right,” asked Joel.
“Yes it’s me I’m the only person who owns that picture she received because she gave it to the adoption agency to give to me,” James replied with a tear streaming down his face.
After a few years, we became a family. James came over once a week and Joel loved having him around. Joel and I decided to start our own family as well. We had two children together but we always made sure James felt wanted too. I will forever be thankful for my family. I love them no matter what.


The author's comments:

I hope to inaspire others to love their family no matter what.

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