I Heard.. | Teen Ink

I Heard..

December 4, 2015
By nejadsn BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
nejadsn BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

My day wouldn't have been a normal day or should I say a normal year if it weren't for the horrible incident that left me simmering in my sorrow for such a long time. My neighborhood Is very gloomy. Gloomy and grey. Knowing that it is the season of autum and so I always decide to go for a stroll around 5:00pm to which I see the leafless, bony trees leaving a silloet of branches slowly swaying in the distance. I felt a shiver travel up my spine as i felt every goose bump prickling up my arms. I was on my way home when i heard a series sly foot steps behind me. I figured it was just a neighbor, but just to make sure I looked behind my self to come upon nobody. Assuming it was just my imagination or just the sounds of construction sights and nature trying to fool me, I went about my bussiness. I was about 2 blocks away from my home when I heard the same footsteps once again. I jumped back once again to come upon the sight of nobody. I began to have a feeling of danger in my gut and began running home. I reached my house seeing that none of our cars were parked and all the lights were shut yet the door was unlocked. I opened up the door to see all the shoes still in place and the stove to be on with other signs that someone is home. I didn't know what else to think so I locked the door behind me and began searching for my family. I searched the entire house and found no one I was horribly confused as a feeling of terror engulfed me. I called my mothers cell phone: no answer. Then my fathers cell phone: no answer. Lastley my sisters cell phone: no answer. I was terrified with tears coming in to my eyes but knowing panic won't do any good so I decided to calm down and just call the police: Busy signal. I dropped the phone and ran outside. I looked at my neighbors home: no cars and lights off. I searched through out most of the neighborhood with tears trickling down my face as I knocked and screamed in panic. I reached my house again when it was then and only then that I realized, I was alone. I have been deserted. No family, No nothing left for me. I sat down on my porch not knowing what I am  supposed to do now, when I saw to beams of light aiming at me from the sky when I realized I really wasn't alone. 

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This article has 3 comments.

nejadsn BRONZE said...
on Apr. 20 2016 at 3:22 am
nejadsn BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Thank you so much!! I will most definitely take your advice so keep an eye out for more stories to come!!

nejadsn BRONZE said...
on Apr. 20 2016 at 3:17 am
nejadsn BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Thank you so much!! I will definitely take your advice so keep an eye out for some more to come!!

Likes2Write said...
on Apr. 15 2016 at 8:07 pm
This reminds me of The 5th Wave. This is a great story! Keep writing!