Sleeping Beauty | Teen Ink

Sleeping Beauty

December 4, 2015
By Liv_Walker64 BRONZE, Ralston, Nebraska
Liv_Walker64 BRONZE, Ralston, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The night was still with bitter cold air. You couldn't even hear the sway of a leaf. The house was two stories and was about 15 miles out of town, the perfect distance from the city for her. There is a small creek and the wood by the house were thick, almost jungle like. Yet, they woman found it very soothing and comfortable. That night the woman was safe and sung in her bed, quietly enjoying a book. The adventure was her absolute favorite to read. The woman always wanted to travel. She would do anything to be able to travel all of Asia. She majored old Asian history, religion and such. Which she hates to admit that it was a complete waste of money, as much as she enjoyed it.
She finds a good stopping point in her book and picks up her book mark. Before she gets it even near the book she sees there is something on the back. “You are so beautiful, my sleeping beauty.” She sits still, pale and forgot to take a breath. She just stares at the bookmark, not knowing what to do. “Did I write this? I don’t have friends that would make a prank like this.. Do I?” She thinks. She closes the book, turns off the light and is about to go to bed. She flips light back on just as fast and snuggles into bed. Rather sleep with the lights on; “I don’t feel like dying tonight.” She thought.
“Who are you?” She asked, but the figure was just staring. “Who are you?!” She screamed, yet the figure didn’t even flinch at the sudden change of volume in her voice. Then, the figure shifted a little and a little more. It was so far away it was only a like a shadow on the wall, yet she could see its every small move. The figure stood as straight as a stick, and it’s head seemed to move like it was now looking right at her face. She, stared right back at it; unable to move. With not even a blink of an eye, that figure was right in front of her. It’s face almost touching hers. She wanted to scream, run, hide or anything, but this thing wasn’t letting her. The thing didn’t have eyes, yet it’s ‘eyes’ were beating into her soul. “You are so beautiful, my sleeping beauty.” It whispered.


I jumped, I almost fell out of bed. I looked around my room frantically and no one was there. I laid back into my sweat soaked bed and then realised; my light was off. I sat up and turned it back on, but very slowly. I felt like if I was being watched, which if I moved with too sudden of movements it would know. Who? Lord knows, but I surely didn’t want to find out. Without realising it, I was so tired that I fell back asleep. No dreams, no tossing or turning, I was pretty much in a coma.
I woke up the next morning feeling like I got hit by a bus. A hangover with no alcohol.
I rolled out of bed and looked at my clock; 8:45. I was late for work, again. I quick jumped into the shower and I threw on some clothes that were on the floor of my bedroom. I bolted down stairs and started the car. As I was getting into the car I noticed that on the dashboard there was a piece of paper. “Sleeping beauty, sleeps too much. Wonder if her boss will let this up?” Seriously. I was freaked out, don’t get me wrong, but why the typical rhymes and crap like cliche movies and books? Whatever, I was still pretty spooked.
The whole way driving to work I was trying to think who would do this. Still hoping this is a prank. Okay, let’s be honest; I am praying that this is a prank. I mean how could I have stalker? I can’t, this stuff only happens in crappy horror movies and SVU law and order. Is it a guy? Oh I hope it is at least a guy. If I am going to have a stalker I don’t want a woman, women are crazy.
I pulled into work and I ran inside. "You are late again. This is the last time. By the way this was dropped off for, some guy gave it to me." Manager stated. I walk over to my desk and after to took the letter for my manager. I sat down and read;


                                       Sleep beauty,
You are the love of my life and I love spend this
    time with you. We are so perfect together my love.
                                       One day we will travel Asia, your dream.
                                         We'll be together soon my love.
                                                   Love, You know who

She just stared at the paper, not knowing what to do. I tried to laugh off the first couple notes, but this had gotten too serious. He could get in my car, he knew where I worked, knew who my boss was, he could get in my in my house, and he knew my favorite book to write on my bookmark. I can’t even wrap my head around this whole situation or anything at the moment. My chest feels heavy and like I swallowed a huge rock that is just trying to digest in my stomach. I had to go the police.
I stood up, walked out, and drove right to the police station. As I was pulling up I had this horrible feeling, I just couldn’t shake it off. I get out out of my car and go to open the front door. I freeze. I can’t do this. What if they don’t believe me, what if they think I’m crazy and don’t listen?... I have to do this. I open the door. “Is there someone I can talk to about a stalking?” I asked the woman at the front desk. “Follow me” As we walk down the hallway my brother. Chris! I am so stupid, why didn’t I even think about him until now. He’s a cop. I bolt over to him, “Chris I need your help. I think someone is stalking me. He knows where I live, where I work, he can get and has gotten into my car.. I don’t..” I stopped. Chris was just staring at me with this pity in his eyes. “What? Why are you looking me like that? I am serious Chris.” He just kept on staring. “Have you been taking your meds Sis?” What? Why would that matter? This has nothing to do with this situation, which is pretty serious. “Does that matter” I state in a nasty tone. Chris walks away and I hear on the phone. "Sis I'm sorry"
I then wake up in a white room, "Good morning Rachel, for your morning medicine."

The author's comments:

This is my first fiction writing and I worked hard on it. Enjoy!

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