A Typical Day | Teen Ink

A Typical Day

November 22, 2015
By HClare BRONZE, Hudson, Colorado
HClare BRONZE, Hudson, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  My life consists of going nowhere nar ordinary.  Just last wee, I found ou the A.J. Easton gave me a large sum of money because I befriended him.  When we met, he seemed lifeless, sort of like a spirit.  Since then, I tried to find answers to my questions about him.  Like Nancy Drew, I searched for for clues, files or leads about Easton allover traveling in my jet black Ferrari.  My last run in, left me on a long strech of a California sandy beach searching for what obstacles await me on my journey.  Starng out on the Pacific ocean, I sat in the sand with my shades on.  Deep in thought I failed to watch Sawyer, my pointer mix and Finn, my Dorgi sneak hot dogs from the vender's cart.  Coming to California, I hoped to spend more fun in the sun but instead I went to a corporation called Qvocity that intrigued my curiosity.  There I asked about th deceased Mr. Easton  After the inquiry and mostly dead end, they referred me to Benjamin Weston Services in New York reguarding information about Easton.  Yelping fortheir lives, came the two mischievous pups chased by the hot dog vnder.  This stirred me back into reality causing my senses to awake.  Out of the corner of my eye, I spot on onlooker.

  Oddly covered for the beach, I can't make out if it is a male or femail, but their facial featres look familiar.  Sensing that they are getting on my nerves, the figure slowly slips silently into the nearby trees and shrubbery.  I gather my furry sidekick and rush to my car.  Climbing in, I inhaled  the smell of  weathered leather, and the stinch of hot dogs, and wet pups.  My nose overwhelmed with the smell becomes too much for me to bear.  After opening the sunroof to ciculate the fresh air, we start our journey.  Due to the previous misbehaving of my sidekicks, we made several roadside breaks.  Between horrific storms that involved golf ball sized hail and potty breaks for the duo, we were exhausted.  Driving occupied my mind and kept it off the task at hand. 

  After eight long days, we arrived in New York.  There I shecked into a hotel that accepted dogs, and the cost exceeded my expecatations.  Of course, a sustantial supply of slush funds got me what I needed or desired.  Feeling refreshed after taking a much needed shower, I dressed in my pajamas.  Exhasution came over me and I rested upon the bed.  The sunlight awoke me from my dreams.  Desperately, I needed to see Mr. Weston.  I wondered still skeptical about him and his company and how this all related to me.

  I arose from the comfort and warmth of the bed and readied myself for the day.  I dressed in a fancy salmon blouse and black dress pants.  My hair frizzed from my slumber; I brushed the fly aways from my face and place it all in a bun.  I threw on my black peacoat.  On the little eccentric side, I dressed both the pups.  They wore blue and green gingham sweater, of course matching.  We made our way to the car.  The wind pierced through me amd made a cd chill run up my back.  We continued to 3017 Hudson St., Fairmount, New York, Suite 204.

  We approached the building , and sought out shelter from the bitter cold.  At the front desk, on overly enthusiastic receptionist, who bobbed her bleach blonde hair, said,"Hello Miss.  Cute Dogs."

  "Can I see Mr. Weston?" I said.

  Here attitude changed immediately and replied in a rather snotty tone, "Right this way."

  She arose and hurried sown the long dimly lit corrridor.  Her heels clicked along the white marble floor.  We followed her at a bit of a distance, checking my surrondings.  We arrived to a small corner office in the back.  Sheopened the door and pointed to some chairs.  The room was small and dark.  I strode across the room and sat down on the poorly padded chair, hoping that all my questions would finally have answers.  I heard the receptionist whispering on the phone in the hall.  The door creaked shut, I turned to assess the situation.  Suddenly, a shadow appeard from the corner of the room, it was the figure from the beach.  Boom!  A sharp agonizing pain shot through my side.  My dogs barked and whaled next to me.  I reached down to the source of my pain and my hand stained red.  I gasp for a breath.  Slowly, the darkness took over.  I fell to the floor and my world faded to black.  

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