Stuck in a Dream | Teen Ink

Stuck in a Dream

December 1, 2015
By VaniG. BRONZE, Sacramento, California
VaniG. BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am the brightest star, in the darkest night."

Have you ever just been wondering what it would be like to be stuck in your dream? Lucid dreaming maybe?
All of this started off when it was 7pm and I was washing my teeth looking in the mirror. The usual time to get ready for bed. It was Saturday night, I know 80% of you Love to stay up that late. Expect me. Did I tell you that I Love dreams? I have those nice adventurous type of dreams, those dreams that make it seem as if it had been real.
It's 8:04 and im in bed. My pink lamp is still on. OMG I hate when I forget to turn off that damn light and im already in bed.
I turn off the light and I am back in bed. I lay down for several minutes... then everything goes black. This dream seemed unusual everything seemed so real. Had I woken up in my dream...? It seemed as if... wait ... I turn around and stare at my bed. There I was still as a brick wall.
 I felt my heart beating so quick as if it were to escape through my throat. I start running for help and nobody seemed to hear me or see me. I felt lost and confused. What the F*ck had just happened. I wasn't wearing my pijamas when I woke up in my dream. I was wearing regular street wear. My pink shirt and my blue ripped Jeans. Everything I touched seemed as if I could go right through it. I turn and look at my alarm clock I realized the numbers have been blurred out everything else was clear. Why wasn't I suppose to know the time...?

*to be continued *

The author's comments:

I had my first lucid dream, and it seemed so real and fun that I decided to write a story down.
Maybe it can become a actual movie.

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