21 Days to the Novel | Teen Ink

21 Days to the Novel

October 30, 2015
By Evan_Jenkins BRONZE, North Augusta, South Carolina
Evan_Jenkins BRONZE, North Augusta, South Carolina
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    “Come on Drew,you know it’ll be fun, especially with all of our friends coming.” Sydney said. “Well….yeah, but they aren’t my friends, they’re your friends, and i don’t really like them.” Drew said. “But…..” Sydney said with a sad and pouty face. “ okay, okay, okay, i’ll go to the Haunted House with y’all.” Sydney then had a huge smile on her face and kissed Drew and said “ Thanks babe, i’ll see you after school.”
    After school Drew and Sydney meet up with Sydney’s friends at the local coffee shop downtown. As the group talks, Drew leans back in his chair with his hands behind his back and notices a suspicious man across the street. Drews’ focus is all on that man and notices the man staring right at him in the coffee shop. As Drew starts to get nervous, a bus comes down the street and the man disappears when the bus goes by. Sydney notices Drews’ nervousness and asks what's wrong, but Drew shakes it off and tells her that he's going to head home because he has a lot of homework to finish “ Oh okay, bye babe.” Sydney said with a sad tone. Drew leaves and goes home ,but all he can think about is the suspicious man. Maybe he just was looking at the coffee shop, Drew thinks, or maybe he was looking at all of us and was having flashbacks to when he hung out with friends. Maybe, just maybe, he isn’t suspicious at all.
    Drew eventually forgets about the whole man across the street thing within a few days, and is spending a lot of time with his girlfriend Sydney. Drew is living the time of his life right now, he has a beautiful girlfriend, a scholarship to Duke University for basketball, he has a 4.0 GPA, and he spends time with his friends. Drew even has time to go on dates with Sydney every weekend and spend time with her everyday. Everything is his life is going right for him and it is just a great time to be him.
    One morning around 3 a.m. Drew gets a call from his best friends mom. She tells Drew that Jack is missing and isn’t answering her calls or texts, and Drew gets her to calm down and call the police. Drew doesn’t get a text or call from Jack and his disappearance is very oddly timed. That night, Drew couldn’t sleep, he kept thinking, first the man across the street and now Jack is missing. “What is going on?” he thought to himself while lying in bed.
Later that week Drew, Sydney, and some friends were going to the Haunted House that night. Jack is still nowhere to be found, there are no clues to where he went, he just disappeared. The group of friends wait in line and finally get to go through the haunted house that they’ve been waiting forever for. The group of friends walk through being scared just like any haunted house, but there is someone or something lurking in the shadows.
Suddenly, Drew notices Mark and Ashley in the back of the group was not there anymore. Then the group hears someone cry out “Damn you Jack!” followed by a very eerie shriek, then … silence. The group of friends are panicking trying to find their way out of the haunted house ,but then they see someone in the distance. The figure then walks out of the group's’ vision and Michael walks toward to where the figure was. Michael looks back and says “Whatever it was, it isn't here anym-” and suddenly two arms reach for Michael and snap his neck, killing him instantly. Kaylee and Sydney both scream and run away from the figure, while Drew stands there almost frozen, not knowing what to do.
The figure slowly walks towards Drew and pulls out a knife, Drew then snaps out of being frozen and runs to the figure and starts to fight. Drew grabs the figures arm with the knife and knocks the knife out ,but the figure headbuts Drew knocking him back unbalanced. The figure pushes Drew down and says “You’ll love the grand finale Drew” and knocks Drew out with his fists.
    Drew wakes up disoriented and not knowing where he is or what is going on, his eyes are hard to open. Drew sees Sydney and Kaylee tied up to chairs with tape over their mouth, and they both are moving violently trying to get loose. Drew tries to get up ,but his body isn’t moving when he wants it to. The figure walks in and takes off his hood...it is Jack. “Jack… it was you.” Drew says with a shocked look. “Why can’t I move?!” Drew yells angrily and confused. Jack chuckles and says “I injected a drug a drug into your body so you can’t move anything below your neck, so you can witness the grand finale.” Drew stays silent as his imagination goes wild, wondering what the grand finale is.
Jack walk behind Kaylee and Sydney and pulls out an army knife. “ As the great Edgar Allen Poe once said, The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?” JAck said Jack puts the knife to Kaylees’ throat and says “Where is your God now?” then he slits her throat letting her suffer through the pain and agony of a slow and painful death. Sydney screams as Jack pulls her head back and places the knife on her throat. Drew yells “Kill me instead you b****!” Jack looks at Drew and chuckles as he slices Sydney's’ throat. Jacks slowly walks over and says “Dead or alive...you are coming with me.”

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