"Three Clicks" | Teen Ink

"Three Clicks"

October 30, 2015
By Rileystewart BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Rileystewart BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun had just set that November evening. The air became cooler and the blue sky darkened, with only a couple shining stars that night. There was a full white shining moon in this mysterious sky. It was windy that night which was why the trees were shaking, as if a storm was on its way. Then all you could see in the moonlight was a beautiful brown wooden house. The porch swing was shaking as hard as the trees were. The swing kept making these creaking noises which was kind of weird. Inside this small house there was a little girl. This little girl had long brown hair and pretty green eyes. She was short though and very shy, her name was Nova.

           The sky was getting darker and the stars seemed to brighten.Nova had been in her room trying to do her homework. She could hear the next door neighbor’s dog barking out her window. Nova’s room had been purple, almost everything was purple. Her walls were purple and even the carpet had been purple. Nova was a very shy girl, especially when she went to school. She attended public school and she tried to be as nice as she could to anybody. She tried her best on the schoolwork and homework she was given. Anyways Nova got stuck on a question and decided to take a break. She started looking at her fish tank and the night became more mysterious as it went on. Nova’s brother and mother did not speak as much as usual, but she didn’t ask about it. She thought it was like her mother knew something she didn’t, but she just let it go.

          Nova had a lot of homework to do, so she was going to be in her room quite a long time. Her room was her favorite place to study and do homework, but tonight she wasn’t focusing very well. The dog across the street kept barking and her computer screen turned yellow, but she didn’t notice. The dog she was hearing was getting annoying, so she shut her window. It became as quiet as a mouse in her room. She didn’t hear anything in the living room which is where she thought her mother and brother were. Nova came to think that they weren’t out there anymore, but she had let it go and thought the imagination got the best of her.
         The moon got brighter and brighter as she looked out her window. Nova had become bored, so she started on with her homework. She didn’t understand it though so she yelled for her mom, and there was no answer. Since there was no answer she just thought her mother didn’t hear her. Then, she texted her mom and there was still no answer. Nova had been starting to get scared, so she called her mom. There was no answer and the phone didn’t ring from what she heard.
         It was 9:00 pm and the clouds started to creep over the moon and cover it up. Nova was scared to open her door because she knew something was going on. She kept trying to call her mom, but there was still no answer. Every time Nova called her the light in her room would dim and she didn’t know why, so she stopped calling. She had been as scared as she was on Halloween last year. She started to sit there for a couple minutes without saying anything.
         Nova had slowly started to hear her brother laugh.
“Ryan?!” She shouted.
He didn’t answer, she thought he couldn’t hear her. She thought everything was okay because she kept telling herself it was and she could hear his voice. Nova started to think this was all in her imagination and she was overreacting. She kept telling herself it was all okay and felt silly because she actually thought something would happen.
          Nova still in her purple room, could smell the scent of apples from her air freshener. That was her favorite smell in this time of year. She decided to start on her homework again to read her assigned mystery book. The book was about a little girl who thought nothing could happen to her and her life was perfect, as she had read so far. She wasn’t very interested in the book and it didn’t really mean anything to her. As she was starting to read onto the next chapter she heard three clicks come out of her fish tank. That had never happened once before.
          After her fish tank made those weird clicks it became 9:30 pm and she heard something out in the living room. Those clicks sounded louder than the ones that came out of hers. Nova realized that it was the same three clicks that came out of her fish tank. She didn’t hear her mom or brother say anything about it, so she thought it was nothing. She opened her bedroom window back up because it had got hot in her room. That’s when Nova heard a car pull into the Miss. April’s house next door. Miss. April was a beautiful lady who had the dog she was hearing earlier, but her dog wasn’t barking anymore for some reason.
            Anyways the car that pulled in was very nice. She took a break from her homework and started peeking out her window. Miss. April was known for having guests over all the time, because she usually did. A man had got out of the car and she started to hear them screaming at each other. Nova had thought it was one of her old boyfriends and they were fighting, so she just let it go and shut her window again.
            It was going on 10:00 pm and Nova noticed her homework was back in her pink binder she used. She didn’t remember putting it back in there, but thought she did. Nova still had rincomplete homework and heard her brother laughing again. She thought it was nothing because she had heard it earlier before. Nova couldn’t focus on her homework though, she was thinking of anything else but her homework. She once again heard the three clicks out of her fish tank again. It didn’t bother her, so she just let it go again.
           Nova heard a big thump come from the big green living room. She heard it about three or four times.
“Mom! Ryan! What is going on !?” she yelled. This time as a response she heard that her mother joined her brother in laughing. Nova knew something was going on, but was to scared to find out. It was like a million things were happening at once and she couldn’t focus on one. She knew she was scared, but Nova tried to avoid it and reassure herself that everything was okay.
          It became to be 10:15 pm and she was still sitting there in her purple room that had a scent of apples. She was sitting there with no homework done and being curious. She was scared to walk out into the big living room to find out what was going on, so all she did was open her door. Nova was so scared as she thought something was going to pop out at her when she wasn’t expecting it. In the living room from what she could see, the lights were still on and everything looked normal. She didn’t see her mom or her brother thinking that they were watching TV.
            In her little room looking out her door, the lamp started to brighten this time instead of darken. Then, she heard a whisper, a whisper like something was close to her. It sounded like her mother, but she didn’t understand why she would be whispering. That night was odd and she didn’t understand or know what was happening. 
          After she heard the creepy and soft whisper, she shut her door and locked it behind her. She knew locking it was kind of extreme, but she was cautious and scared. The blue clock struck 10:30pm and she could still hear the echos of her mother’s whisper. Her light was still on and she could hear the TV out in the green living room only a little bit through her door.
          She started to hear the three clicks out of her other red fishtank because she had two. She also then heard the clicks in the living room too. These clicks were louder this time and she had no idea why. Nova thought it could have something to do with the power since they had seven fish tanks, but she didn’t think it was right. Nova then started to hear her brother laughing again, so that made her feel more safe because she knew he was out there.
          Then, Nova finally noticed something, it was like everything was happening over and over again. She started thinking about it for a minute… and she kept hearing the three clicks on the fish tanks. She heard her brother laugh every time after that happened. Nova definitely knew something was going on and she got closer and closer to finding out what it was. She had the feeling of fear inside her, and never felt this scared before. Nova has never experienced something like this before and had no clue what to do, or when to do it.
         The ceiling in Nova’s room was white, like her blanket she loved. The air in her room became cooler with having the window open. She could still smell the scent of apples from her air freshener. She couldn’t hear anything out in the living room, and everything was so quiet. There was no noise at all, not even the whisper she heard earlier. Nova was too scared to even make a single move, and didn’t say anything for a few seconds. Then all of a sudden, she heard a big thump in the living room. Nova didn’t make a move, and stayed right where she was. Then, the power went out and she froze. Nova was now locked in her room, in the dark, all by herself.
           “Mom?!, Ryan?! What happened?!” she cried.
        It was now pitch dark in her room and she couldn’t see anything. The scent of apples faded away and the fish tank lights were out. She opened her door, and went out in the living room. She could see nothing because it was dark and no lights were on. Then she tried to walk to the kitchen and grab the flashlight. Since it was dark, instead of grabbing the flashlight she accidently grabbed the milk out of the fridge. Nova was going to laugh, but the feelings inside her told her not to. She finally grabbed the black flashlight after a couple tries of getting it. As soon as she turned it on, she shined it on two figures standing in front of her. She froze.
       The figures standing in front of her looked like they just got back from the circus. There was a tall figure and a short one, but you couldn’t see their faces because of the masks they were wearing. They were covered in colorful confetti for some odd reason.
     “ Who...Who are you?” she trembled.
     They didn’t say anything back to her. The colorful figures were just standing there and didn’t move one bit. Nova couldn’t tell what they were looking at because of their masks. She thought they were staring at her but didn’t know.
       The power came back on and she turned off the flashlight. The fish tanks made the three clicks when they came back on. The two people were still just standing there about to take off their masks, and finally did. Nova couldn’t believe who the two people were, she was shocked and didn’t expect this at all. The two people covered in confetti were Miss. April and the man who was at her house.
       “ Miss April?! What are you guys doing here!? What are you doing?! she screamed.
“ We were trying to scare you since we couldn’t on Halloween.” Miss. April  stated. “ We just got back from a party and were bored, so decided to scare you.”
“ You scared me to death! Why would you do that!?” cried Nova.
“We just wanted to have some fun.” Miss. April added.
It became about 1:00am and the sky was still as dark as it was and the moon faded away behind the clouds again. Nova tried not to focus on the fact that Miss. April and her friend were the ones scaring her. She had a bigger problem than that, where was her mom and Ryan? She still had no clue if something happened to them, or where they were and what they were doing.
     “ Where’s my mom and Ryan?” she asked.
     “ We don’t know. I haven’t seen them since this morning.” Miss. April spoke.
    “ Then where are they?! Nova exclaimed.
    All of a sudden Nova heard another thump coming from the basement, and started to walk towards the tan door. A fear of fright went through her when she went to open the door, but as she did all she could see was the steps and nothing further. Nova turned on the light and started to walk slowly down the steps. She could now see her mother and her brother playing a board game. Nova finally realized that she was overreacting and her imagination got the best of her. But she heard the three clicks again, that was still weird to hear.

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