The Muderhood | Teen Ink

The Muderhood

October 29, 2015
By WileyShaw1 BRONZE, Tully, New York
WileyShaw1 BRONZE, Tully, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Murderhood
Mr. Dash’s  lived in a very upscale gated neighborhood in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. The year was 1980. In this neighborhood there were five houses, but there were only three that had known inhabitants. There were the Dash's, Wests, and Winfields. The houses were magnificent they looked as if they touch the sky. They were filled with such intricate details and beauty. All three families were seemingly the epitome of happy families until you looked closer. 
The Winfields were the poorest of the three families, and they were very jealous of everyone else's success. There was a Mr. and a Mrs. Winfield both of which were very obese and quite an eyesore. They had three children Joe, Sean, and Maria. These children were the paradoxical difference from their parents in diameter and in personality. They had perfect grades and always were at the top of their class. Although this family seemed perfect, there was one major issue that was constantly a problem. They despised their parents and would avoid them at all costs. They were always over at the neighbor's house, or so their parents thought.     
The Dashes were most influential family in the neighborhood. Although they solidly invested in the  fracking business, Mr. Dash was once the senator for Pennsylvania. He is still seen frequently on capitol hill. They also had three children  Dante, Morgan, and Rachel. All three were very spoiled and snotty! They were not very smart and commonly are failing their classes. Although they weren’t smart they were by far the most social family in the neighborhood.
The last family in the neighborhood is the West's. There was a Mr. and a Mrs. along with three children as well. Their names were Philip, North, and Peaea. Although this family was as seemed typical, there was more than meets the eye. The Wests were the wealthiest family in the neighborhood and for the Winfields that’s hard to handle. The Wests are very humble people and truly did not wish anyone harm. They really like their neighbors but fail to realize that not everyone in the neighborhood wishes them well.
It all started on one summer night when the sun had just set. Mr. Dash was driving home from the office when he saw a rather strange scene unfolding through the windows of the Winfield House. Mr Dash came to a screeching halt and saw nothing but utter violence taking place in the Winfield estate. Lamps were being violently thrown! The house was being trashed! Finally the house went dark. Not a single speck of light was to be seen. It was like they had pulled a black cloth over the house. Then Mr. Dash fell to his knees because he had heard the most ear wrenching noise. After the scream of terror had ended, he got back into his car and the lights came back on illuminating the house's internal and external beauty. It looked as if nothing had happened! Mr Dash made a bolt for his car barely even closing the door and sped off. The time was now eight thirty, and his wife and kids were expecting  to see him at six. He was going to have a lot of explaining to do. “ Where have you been, dear? We have been getting worried.”
“I just saw the strangest thing happen at the Winfield house.”
“What was it, dear? And please catch your breath! We can hardly make sense of what you are saying.”
“ As I was driving by, I saw a commotion on the large window and then suddenly the house went dark.”
“Well maybe they are just having another one of their elaborate parties.”
“ The strange thing is after the lights went off, a scream of terror filled the air,  and suddenly the house was once again illuminated, and it looked as if nothing had happened.”
“Honey, I wouldn’t worry,  but if it matters so much we can check on them tomorrow.”
The whole night Mr. Dash had been awake trying to reason and make sense of what he witnessed. The next day Mr. Dash was eager to get over to the Winfield Estate. There was a gate, but it was always open. He walked to the french doors and rang the bell, but there was no answer. He rang again, and still no answer. Mr. Dash thought that perhaps they had gone on vacation, so he went and talked to the West's. Mr. Dash rang the doorbell, and Mrs. West answers the door.
“Well hello, Mr. Dash, how may I help you?”
“ I am here on regards to the Winfield family. Did you happen to hear or see anything irregular yesterday night?”
“ Well I am afraid we have been on vacation, but any signs of suspicion will be reported to you immediately.”
Mr. Dash was so puzzled! He wanted to know what had happened, and he would not put the matter to rest. Mr. Dash finally retreated to his home and was going to devise a plan to figure what happened that night at the Winfield Estate. Mrs. Dash came into the room.
“ Dear, what are you doing?”
“Well I can’t quite put all the pieces together. What did I see through the window? What was that scream, and why did no one answer the doorbell when I went over?”
“ Since you can’t put the matter to rest  and fail to accept that just maybe it was just another party we will all go over and talk to the Winfields.”
“ But I already tried that, said Mr. Dash”
“ Well we’re going to try again!”
  The matter had been decided that at five pm sharp they were going to make their way over to the Winfield's house, Mr and Mrs Dash along with the three children Dante, Rachel, and Morgan. It was five sharp and the whole Dash family was standing on the front steps of the Winfield Estate. They then rang the doorbell once then twice then a third time, no answer at the door. Mrs Dash suggested that maybe they are preoccupied and are unable to come to the door. Mr Dash  then said that they came for answers and that they are not going to leave without them. Mr Dash suggested that they should look around and peek into the windows to see if there were any signs of struggle. They then started by looking the windows.
“ Honey, I thought that you said that you saw violence through these windows.”
“Yeah, I did. I saw lamps being violently being thrown throughout the room.”
When looking through the windows, there was no evident signs of a struggle. The house looks rather untouched. The carpet was as white as the China. They found no signs of violence through the windows, so they were looking for a potential way to enter the house. They noticed a door ajar in the back of the house.
Dante said, “ Look what I found! This door is open, and  it’s not locked!”
Morgan then said, “ Good eye! Go in slowly! We don’t know what is upon us.”
The five of them cautiously make their way into the house, and they were examining everything that was upon them.  They enter through the back and then made their way into the kitchen all seemed well. The kitchen had a huge archway that led to a giant grand staircase. At the top of the staircase there was a ledge where Mrs Winfield was found lying, dead! 
“What  is that?’ said Rachel.
“ It’s a dead body is what it is,” said Dante
“ Call the authorities!” said Morgan.
“ NO!” shouted Mr. Dash.
Mr Dash was beginning to connect all the pieces after he saw what in Mrs Winfield's
hands. In her very hands were their joint bank statement which had a balance of zero and in the other hand there was a letter addressed to the West's and Dashes. The letter read:
  Dear West and Dash families,
  We have lived in this very neighborhood for twenty years. We really have enjoyed sharing wonderful moment with you. We have a small favor to ask of you. We are experiencing so financial difficulty right now and we would appreciate some support and help. Currently we have a staff of three, and we will be letting them go, we have savings  of our own, but that will support us for so long.  When the money is completely out, we ask that you will help us support ourselves until we find another residence to reside in. I know that is is a lot to ask of you, but if not for us do it for our children.
With love and affection,
The Winfields
After reading the letter they continued to look around the house for the other family members. They were nowhere to be found, but the murder was already solved. Mrs Dash called Mrs West and told them to hurry over,and then they called the police. The police were not needed for both families had already figured out the mystery. Finally when they were all done with the police they resided to the West residence to discuss what happened. Here Mr. Dash explained that he had watched the murder happen from his car. He concluded that Mrs Winfield was going to send that letter to himself and the Dashes and that made Mr Winfield very angry.“ This explains everything from the lights to the scream, remarked Mrs Dash!” “Yes indeed, said Mr. Dash.” He then continues to conclude that Mrs Winfield was on her way out to deliver the letter when Mr Winfield caught her in the act. He must have hit her over the head with the lamp knocking her to the floor. This would explain me seeing a lamp being violently thrown through the window. Mr Winfield did this to protect his social integrity. He is the kind of person who would rather fail than ask for help. Then he took his family and ran, avoiding any more social interaction between us. By leaving he would also protect himself from facing criminal charges. Mr Winfield, Joe, Sean, and Maria never returned to the neighborhood. For Mrs Winfield the families felt as if they had the responsibility to have a proper burial for her. Ten years later the house was sold to a girl by the name of Maria Winfield. 

The author's comments:

The piece was written in the hopes to entertain readers. The piece was a mystery story, and told the tale of a four families in one very selfish neighborhood. The story depicts what becomes of a selfish and greedy family when times are rough. The purpose for the ending of the short story was to allow the readers to make their own conclusions and perhaps make a sequel using the original story as their inspiration.   

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