Ember | Teen Ink


October 12, 2015
By Anonymous

    One night in ft. Wayne, Indiana, Ember/Eion is at the Coloseum Ewaiting for the concert to start because  he is trying to find the guy who killed his  parents. His parents knew him as both Ember/Eion.
In 2000, Nightkiller is standing behind Ember’s parents and his parents do not know that he is standing behind them.  Ember’s parents are killed by Nightkiller.   Since Nightkiller took the lives of Ember’s parents, he is living by himself as he is trying to find his parent’s killer. Ember lives alone in a mansion as he avenges his parent’s lives
One evening, around 9 pm, Ember is meeting his friends at Steak’N’Shake for dinner. In a black Dodge Avenger, Nightkiller is waiting for Ember and his friends to get out of their cars. Ember gets out of his car and walks inside to wait for his friends. Ember’s friends begin to arrive.  Everyone is here except Cade.
Cade is walking towards the door, when Nightkiller arrives behind him. Nightkiller places a towel over Cade’s mouth. Cade cannot scream for Ember to help. He is trying to fight back, but Nightkiller takes the advantage. Soon Cade is tied up to a chair in an abandoned warehouse hoping Ember comes to help him.
Nightkiller is in the abandoned warehouse waiting for Ember to arrive. His anger goes up when he thinks about Ember.  Ember is his archrival. Nightkiller wants Ember to hurt like he did when his grandparents were killed in the car accident
Ember and his friends are waiting for Cade. They do not know what happened to him. They turn on the tracking device from Cade’s phone. It shows that Cade is at a warehouse off of Detroit Street. They rush to find Cade and hope that he is still alive.
Using his super speed, Ember arrives first.  Ember catches his breath and looks around to see what surrounds him.  He sees that the building is made of steel. It has iron doors and broken windows lay across the floor.  He hears his other friends coming upon his shadow. They open the door to the warehouse and see Ember.  They begin to look for Cade in the warehouse. Ember’s friend Presley calls the police for back-up.  Presley went through the police academy and works as a night cop  Ember is worried about Cade and as time passes he gets more worried.
Nightkiller is hiding in the dark shadows of the warehouse. He is watching them as they try to find Cade. He is waiting for Ember to find Cade.
“I will never tell you villain where Ember is .” 
“Tell me Cade now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Presley finds location of Cade in the warehouse off the GPS.  Ember is  following  the directions to Cade though his phone. Ember finds Cade in a chair tied-up.  Nightkiller is  standing  near Cade in the dark room.  Ember looks over and sees Nightkiller by Cade. Ember attacks Nightkiller and begins punching him. The fight continues and Ember pins him to the ground. Presley handcuffs nightkiller and takes Nightkiller in for questioning.
A few months after his arrest, Nightkiller goes to jail for killing Ember’s parents.  Ember takes care of the city by getting rid of the villains. The city seems safe for a while.  That is until Nightkiller breaks out of jail and brings the villains back and Ember has to take care of them again...

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