the bomb exploded | Teen Ink

the bomb exploded

September 23, 2015
By Th3aws0m3dud3 BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
Th3aws0m3dud3 BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The bomb exploded, the everyday calmness in the streets turn to terror for a day and then it all became silence. Me and everyone else were still alive but would not come out as we knew what was coming. The infected came into the town with tanks ( because sending in infantry would mean casualties and loss of host) and then an hour later the soldiers came to get everyone out of town to bring to one of the hives. I managed to get out in time while the soldiers were driving up after the tanks left. It happened before on a smaller scale and was managed to be passed off as a village riot, but I knew what had happened.
I was in the village on a community trip with my class. My friends ( Clair, Mike, and Mia) went in and met some of the locals. Everyone had fun on the trip for two weeks until the incident happened. People in hazmat suit came in and stormed the village completely burning down homes and taking people away, however the strangest thing in all that was what was under under their headwear. When the hazmat people took the head wear off the locals few had a strange mark on top of the head, it was black, shaped like an egg and seemed to have grown from inside the head. Many people had been taken, however those who had the marks were sent in another direction and of those people were my friends and teacher.
I got away from town and fled to the hills, I carefully avoided patrols and transports while trying to find a safe haven. Unfortunately my luck had run out as I was caught by a random patrol and forced to run through the woods to lose them. Eventually I did lose them along with myself as this was the Canadian woods which people can be lost in for years without finding civilization. Days of wondering and hunger were almost ended forever until I cam across a remote farm on a hill and suddenly I felt like a drowsy man who has not slept in days who was told that he is king of the the world. I ran to the farm, knocked on the door and I found an elderly couple who told me to come inside before a helicopter sees me.
The People’s names were Mr. frank and Martha Prail, they were both nice as they always gave me food with a great personality. I had to help work on the farm to earn supper by tending to the animals but it was worth it as they gave me great tasting food. The farm was not as safe as it sounds though as every now and then there is a helicopter which flies over head, I recognized that as in other towns the infected comes only a few minutes later after the helicopter reports of people being there. This made me wonder why no infected come here because while they don’t see us they can see the herds in the fences which means that people are here. When I asked Mr.Prail about this he told me that it is probably because they are not as smart as they use to be.
Three weeks since the bombs have gone off and it seems that now we are winning because the government has declared that the infected’s hive has been destroyed and now they are all confused and the rest are being rounded up with the new DNA scanners to located any infected stragglers. This called for a night of celebration as Mrs.Prail began to make a feast while Mr.Prail cracked open the root beer cellar and was told to bring in milk from the cows and prepare the chickens for roasting. After hours of work dinner was finally prepared and we all sat down while listening to the record player Mr.Prail had. Mrs.Prail put meatloaf on everyones plate with mashed potatoes, toasted butter bread, and corn. After eating all of that it was time for dessert, the missis brought out a special chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. The cake was put onto all the plates and it was delicious with a soft moist inside and hot chocolate taste. Tonight was a great night as we talked about each other. I told them that I was a food packager who puts all kinds of food in cans and wrappers to be shipped across the country. Mr and Mrs Prail both ran simple lives raising cattle and growing crops. I knew I was gonna miss this place.
Three days after the supper It was told on the radio that the last of the infected had been neutralized and that there are no more on the entire world. The elderly folk who let me live with them for the time being told me how to get back to town. I took Mr. Prail’s motorcycle and headed back while waving back. I passed by many cars also heading back to town as they now have a place to live with fear of the infected. Many folks were people I knew like my neighbors, my cousins, and my co workers. As soon as I got back to my house I saw that it looked pretty good as the infected did not break down doors and toss everything over in order to find someone and it was good to be back. I got into the bathroom to start shaving but before I could open the mirror I felt a horrible pain in the top of my head and no matter how hard I tried to move my body it would not listen to me. I realized what was happening, it turned out that the beetle somehow got into my system but before I could realize how, everything turned blank.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 3 2015 at 9:58 am
Th3aws0m3dud3 BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
it was amazing, like how it keeps you guessing on what was happening.