What Happen to Her? | Teen Ink

What Happen to Her?

September 18, 2015
By Anonymous

 What Happen to Her?

                     Alison goes to a college in Hawaii called The University of Hawaii. She just graduated high school. Then she decided to go out of state for her college degree, but her parents didn’t approve because they would miss her. She went away anyway because it was a good college and she was already 18. Ever since she was a little girl she had this dream of becoming successful. Then she realized she was schizophrenic. Alison  alway knew she was different or had something wrong with her, she would always hear someone talk to her but when she would look no one was there she just thought it was normal or it was her imagination. So, she would tell her mom ,”Can we see a doctor or something I hearing things, like someone talking to me but when I look no one’s there.”
         Her mom never believed her because she didn’t want her daughter to be known as the “crazy one” or she didn’t want people to look at them like she was crazy. Her mom was worried kids at school would bully her or make fun of her because she had a disability.
         “Ok sweetheart we’ll go see the doctors tomorrow”, said her mother.
         She would take Alison to the doctors but it was for a checkup or a physical but that was it she never told the doctor about her daughter hearing things.
         One day when she came home from college it was during winter break, but she still was talking to herself but it got worse. It got so bad to the point when her mom said, “Honey have you had a physical?”
         “No mom,” she said.
         So her mother took her to the doctor and he said, “What are the voices telling you?”
         “They tell me to kill myself or sometimes they say I’m worthless, and also they say I don’t deserve to live, just a lot of negative things, but sometimes I want to listen to them and just kill myself” she told the doctor. Then the doctor wrote her a prescription for schizophrenia. Alison didn’t want to take the medicine because she felt like she was crazy. She didn’t want anyone to know at school she took medicine.
         When she went back to school it was around the time they took exams. Alison was extremely stressed out then she stopped taking her medicine and since she was so stressed she took stress relievers that she bought from one of the kids next to her room.
         When exams were finally over she had to wait and it was spring break so flew back to visit her parents. Her parents were at the airport to pick her up and take her to the house where there was a surprise party. When they got to her parent’s house they all said, “Welcome home Alison.” All her old friends were there and family were there. They all sat down and wanted to talk about how school was and what they were studying, then Alison got a call. It was someone from her school to tell her she got a D+ on her exam. That made Alison overthink things and it was even worse since she hasn’t been on her medication. She acted like she was fine when she wasn’t because the voices kept telling her negative things.
         The next day her parents went shopping and asked if she wanted to go but she lied and told her parents, “No I’m ok I don’t feel very well so maybe next time or we can go tomorrow.” Since she didn’t go and lied to her parents she wasn’t feeling well because of the voices.
         She thought she would be fine but one voice told her while she was brushing her teeth, “You don’t deserve to live just die already.” Alison  shook it off and every day the voices got louder and louder. One day a voice told her, “If you do what I say I will let you live.” So Alison listened and started to cut and the voice kept getting louder telling her good job and it said you are crazy. Alison agreed and the day before she had to go back to school her mom went to get Alison up and found that her daughter hung herself.

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